Project for CSC 151 (Compiler Construction) at CSUS
Parses and generates ILOC code for Baby-C programs.
The Bison file BabyC.y
contains the Baby-C grammar and embedded actions that generate the abstract syntax tree (AST) and symbol table.
The embedded actions call functions in your_code.c/h
which create AST nodes and symbol table entries.
Using the generated AST and symbol table from parsing, code_gen.c
generates ILOC code using virtual registers and outputs to .iloc
Simplified version of C that includes variable declarations, expressions, assignments, if/else and while loops. Program consists of a single main function, and all variables are integers.
Conditions consist of arbitrary number of logical comparisons linked with &&
or ||
Logical comparisons consist of two expressions related by one operator: ==
Abstract assembly code as described in Engineering a Compiler (Second Edition) by Keith D. Cooper & Linda Torczon.
main() {
int x;
int y;
while (x > 0 || y < 100) {
x = x + 1;
y = 3 * x;
loadAI rarp, 0 -> r1
loadi 0 -> r2
cmp_GT r1, r2 -> r3
loadAI rarp, 4 -> r4
loadi 100 -> r5
cmp_LT r4, r5 -> r6
or r3, r6 -> r7
cbr r7 -> L1_B, L1_O
loadAI rarp, 0 -> r8
loadi 1 -> r9
add r8, r9 -> r10
storeAI r10 -> rarp, 0
loadi 3 -> r11
loadAI rarp, 0 -> r12
mult r11, r12 -> r13
storeAI r13 -> rarp, 4
jumpi -> L1_C