- Read access to DICOM Objects packed in TARs #2736
- Support more than one nearline/permanent storage being checked before deleting studies from online/cache storage #2760
- UI: Make display of clock widget configurable #3176
- UI: Allow setting of ui2 web app page title #3316
- Storage Exporter: Optionally pack objects of the (Study, Series) entity in a TAR on copying to the other Storage system #3656
- UI : Enable reading out Warning headers of successful REST services #3668
- Download Studies as CSV : Return ModalitiesInStudy (0008,0061) in csv response sent back to client #3969
- UI Navigation : Show Study Description (0008,1030) by default on expanding Edit Attributes on Upload Bulk data files on Patient level #3972
- WADO-RS Retrieve Metadata: Apply configured C-STORE SCP Attribute Coercion also on retrieved Metadata #3975
- Archive Docker image: optionally deploy only the Archive Backend or the Archive UI #3979
- WADO-RS: prioritize Media Types in "accept" Header or "accept" Query Parameter for compressed formats over Media Types for uncompressed formats with equal q value #3981
- FileSystemStorage: make behavior on existing file configurable by optional property "onFileExists" #3983
- UI Configuration - Storage Descriptor : Provide link to extended field descriptions and examples for Storage Property #3985
- UI Configuration - Exporter Descriptor : Provide link to extended field descriptions and examples for Exporter URI and Exporter Property #3986
- UI Configuration - Archive Device attributes : Update description of Delete MWL Delay field explicitly stating the date time field of MWL item considered by the specified delay #3988
- UI Configuration - Device attributes : Update descriptions of Manufacturer Information, Organisation, Issuers fields #3991
- UI Configuration - Web Application : Provide link to examples for Web Application Property #3992
- Upgrade sphinx_rtd_theme to 1.0.0 to enable correct formatting of bullet points in configuration tables in DICOM CS html pages #3993
- RESTful service to list distinct values for Institution Name (0008,0080) of received Series / MWLs #3995
- UI Navigation page - Study / Series tabs - Institution Name query filter : Enable selecting multiple values returned from DB plus custom value for this field #3997
- UI Navigation page - MWL tab : Provide Institution Name query filter to enable selecting multiple values returned from DB plus custom value for this field #3998
- Retrieve Cache for Read access to DICOM Objects packed in TARs #4001
- UI Navigation - Patients / Studies tabs : Extend fields in shown dialog window on copy / move / link / merge actions #4007
- Optimize export from TAR Archiver Storage to other Storage by Storage Exporter #4008
- Extend Link Instances with MWL Entry service to enable application of link strategy specified by client #4010
- Use Worklist Label (0074,1202) instead of MWL SCP AET for separating MWL #4015
- Link Instances with MWL REST service : On matching Study Instance UIDs of instances to be linked with that of MWL, extend the service to map Requested Procedure Description / Requested Procedure ID from MWL to Study Description / Study ID of Study respectively #4016
- UI Navigation : Replace Select rejected type with more appropriate Select Rejection Note type wherever Rejection Note codes are displayed involving rejection action on studies in dialog windows #4017
- Accept Variable Modality LUT Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class by default configuration #4019
- UI: Add the version number of release on HTML script tags #4020
- UI: If there is not format configured to be used to format the person name, don't format the person name with a default format #4024
- Update DB SQL scripts for 5.30.0 for databases other than postgres #4025
- UI: Enable to enter Worklist Label (0074,1202) on create/update of MWL Items #4026
- UI: Navigation MWL - Provide Worklist Label (0074,1202) as query filter and as a column in displayed list of MWL items #4027
- UI: Drop-down list to enter values for MWL Worklist Labels #4032
- Support deletion of objects archived in TAR files #4035
- Accept HL7 Messages with missing values for MSH fields required according to IHE RAD TF Vol 2 Message Control requirements #4038
- RESTful services to update matching Studies/Series by provided attributes #4041
- RESTful Service to update Study or Series attributes: enable to pass Reason for Modification and Source of Previous Values by Query Parameters #404
- UI Navigation Studies more functions: Update Attributes of matching Studies #4043
- UI Navigation Series more functions: Update Attributes of matching Series #4044
- UI Navigation Study: Enable user to specify values for Reason for Modification and Source of Previous Value on Edit of Study Attributes #4046
- UI Navigation : Extend Issuer of Patient query filter to allow adding / sending values for Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence #4057
- UI Navigation : Extend Issuer of accession number & Issuer of Admission ID Sequence query filters to allow adding / sending fully qualified issuers #4058
- UI Navigation tabs : Improve / streamline list of query filters #4059
- UI Navigation MWL / MPPS : Provide More to expand hidden filters #4060
- UI Navigation tabs : Provide widget to add fully qualified issuers in query filters #4061
- Enable RS Forwarding for Link Instances with MWL Entry service with MERGE link strategy #4063
- Enable to replace previous received objects by new received objects even if the digest of the new received object equals to the digest of the previous received object #4064
- UI Navigation - Create / Update Patients : Enable adding multiple patient identifiers in Other Patient IDs Sequence #4077
- Avoid data loss caused by wrong configuration of Storage Cluster ID #4084
Bug Fixes
- Concurrent receive of first objects belonging to different Studies of same Patient creates duplicate Patient Records #3154
- HL7 Procedure Status Update MWL remains ineffective unless (not-required) HL7 Procedure Status Update Sending & Receiving Applications are configured #3970
- UIDs with negative components appended to Series / SOP Instance UIDs (optionally also within Predecessors Documents Sequence) of Basic Text SR / Encapsulated PDF reports on receive of HL7 ORU messages #3973
- Cache for attribute coercion by merging matching MWL item attributes does not consider applied XSL stylesheet #3978
- WADO-RS: the archive should not decompress objects for retrieval if Transfer Syntax Parameter transfer-syntax=* is specified #3982
- UI: Move/Copy multiple Instances of one Series of one Study causes generation of multiple Series in the destination Study #3989
- Exporter to other Storage System does not consider UID Map of replacement instances #4000
- Deletion of objects of large studies from storage system triggered by deletion threshold may fail #4004
- Retry to store an object on the storage system may result in corrupted objects on storage #4009
- json schema files of other languages than english (=default) are stale #4030
- Delete Study Permanently RS service fails for study with multiple referenced instance locations #4036
- WADO-RS JSON Metadata retrieval does not consider a configured retrieve cache #4037
- Reject matching studies RS service fails with NullPointerException in Rejection Task processing #4045
- LDAP docker image based on alpine:3.12.x broken #4048
- UI: Persion Name filter dosen't work well with preset filters #4049
- UI Configuration : Configuration fields specified as an array of integers defined by an enumeration are sent as string array in Update Device RS service request payload #4050
- Audit incoming HL7 messages : Incorrectly formatted HL7 messages leading to missing PID segment results in NullPointerException #4051
- UI Configuration Update Device : For integer array configuration fields unselecting any x values always trims x values from the end of array resulting in incorrect request payload #4052
- QIDO-RS - Search Study / Series / Instances : Invalid Retrieve URL values sent in response if includedefaults=false and includefield does not contain respective UID to be returned #4062
- UI Navigation Studies : Referring Physician's Name (0008,0090) not displayed in study results table #4065
- Processing of Procedure Status Update Tasks may fail by IncompatibleSpecificCharacterSetException #4070
- Delete Patient Permanently RS service results in misleading Delete x instances of study log messages and fails with ConstraintViolationException #4075
- UI Navigation : Content Description for Reports does not show Code Meaning from Concept Name Code Sequence #4078
- UI Navigation : Edit Attributes is ineffective on uploading bulkdata files #4079
- QIDO RS: filter Studies by Storage System does not return matches for Studies also available on associated cache/retrieve Storage System #4080
- Forwarding C-STORE RQs from external C-MOVE SCP broken since 5.18.1 #4081
- UI: Date Time Format not working if the milliseconds part is longer as 3 #4082
- Upgrade to Java 11 #3984
- Upgrade Postgres DB docker image to 15.2 #4022
- ldap docker image: upgrade alpine to 3.17.3 #4023
- Keycloak docker image: Upgrade to Keycloak.X 21.0.2 #4028
- Upgrade Keycloak adapter and Keycloak Admin Client in archive docker image to 21.0.2 #4029
- Upgrade jaxws-tools-maven-plugin to 1.3.0.Final #4033
Binary Distribution Packages