- Add saved instance state code from slides (line 38)
- add private static final String BUTTON_STATE = "BUTTON_STATE_KEY"; on line 21 (replace the TODO)
- override (ctrl+o) onSaveInstanceState on line 84
- protected void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState) {...};
- create getMessage() on line 64
- move the code from the onClick to the method.
- Run it.
- why is it still broken?
- fix the todo on line 43
- add a long click listener on line 53
- button.SetOnL AND PRESS TAB
- new View.O and press tab.
- Intent intent = ChildActivity.intentFactory(getApplicationContext(),messageOne);
- Create a child activity
- add a textView
- add a button
- remove the EdgeToEdge code
- remove the ViewCompat code
- create an ActivityChildBinding object
- binding = ActivityChildBinding.inflate(getLayoutInflator); setContentView(binding.)
- declare a boolean showMessage1Child somewhere near the top of the class (similar to messageOne in MainActivity)
- Declare a SHOW_MESSAGE_ONE constant in ChildActivity, similar to the BUTTON_STATE variable in MainActivity
- Use SHOW_MESSAGE_ONE in the intentFactory method in the ChildActivity when adding a boolean extra
- Use SHOW_MESSAGE_ONE to RETRIEVE the boolean extra and store the returned value in showMessage1Child
- getIntent().getBooleanExtra(...)
- Use the value stored in showMessage1Child to set the text that is displayed on the button
- binding.childActivityButton.setText(showMessage1Child ? "TRUE!" : "FALSE!");
- create an intent factory in ChildActivity
- add an onLongClickListener to the button on the child activity
- Use the intent factory from MainActivty to switch from child activity to MainActivity
- update MainActivity to use the extra.