Tap is a tool for easily building your C/C++ projects.
Make has its flaws, but it still outshines most other build systems (namely CMake and Meson, which are quite mainstream) in its user interface for us people who make the shell their home -- just run make
. No need to create a build directory, run some command and then run make
in the build directory.
So, Tap is a layer of abstraction over the mess that is C/C++ build systems, providing a simple uniform interface. See the Usage section for examples.
cargo install --git https://github.com/dccsillag/tap.git
tap build
tap b
You can also specify a build mode, as such:
tap build -m release
tap run <EXECUTABLE> -- <ARGS>
tap r <EXECUTABLE> -- <ARGS>
Just like with tap build
, you can pass a build mode.
Note: the --
is just to prevent any arguments meant for your executable from being recognized by tap itself.
tap clean
tap c
tap install
tap i
If you run as root (e.g., with sudo
), then the binaries will be installed to /usr/local
If not run as root, then they will be installed to the parent directory of the user's executable directory (which usually means ~/.local
You can also specify a custom install prefix:
tap install --prefix <INSTALLATION_PREFIX>