A package for experiment logging in Python.
Features include:
- Stores relevant source code (only what is necessary) with the experiments automatically;
- Easily fetch the experiments that generated a given file;
- Easily fetch the experiments that were generated by a given script;
- Shouldn't use tons of storage;
- Everything runs locally -- no possibly-sketchy third-party will be getting access to your code and experiments.
can be installed via pip
pip install logrun
The following example trains a model and registers an experiment that outputted the file trained_model.pth
from logrun.utils.general import outpath
import pickle
... # your experiment, yada yada yada
model = ...
... # your experiment, yada yada yada
with open(outpath("trained_model.pickle"), 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(model, file)
Note that you only needed to import the module and use the outpath
function here. Everything else is neatly encapsulated in the logrun.internals
The documentation is available at https://dccsillag.github.io/logrun/logrun/.
To generate it manually, use pdoc3
pdoc --html logrun -o docs