With Helm, you install
Follow these steps:
Add repo:
helm repo add seriohub-velero https://seriohub.github.io/velero-helm/
Check repo:
helm search repo seriohub-velero
Check that the output looks like:
NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION seriohub-velero/vui 0.1.6 0.1.6 Velero User Interface: a friendly UI and dashbo..
Create a configuration file starting from values-override.yaml file.
[!NOTE] If you need advanced configurations, you can configure the values.yaml
The description of the parameters is available in the relevant readme:
Create namespace:
kubectl create ns velero-ui
Install using Helm:
helm install -f values-override.yaml vui seriohub-velero/vui -n velero-ui
Upgrade (In the case of changes or updates):
helm upgrade -f values-override.yaml vui seriohub-velero/vui -n velero-ui
helm uninstall vui -n velero-ui helm repo remove seriohub-velero kubectl delete ns velero-ui
Follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/seriohub/velero-helm.git
Navigate to the Helm folder:
cd velero-helm
Edit the necessary data in the values-override.yaml file.
[!NOTE] If you need advanced configurations, you can configure the values.yaml
The description of the parameters is available in the relevant readme:
Create the namespace
kubectl create ns velero-ui
Install using Helm:
[!IMPORTANT] Make sure to customize the values in the values-override.yaml file according to your requirements before running the installation command.
helm install -f values-override.yaml vui ./chart/ -n velero-ui
Upgrade (In the case of changes or updates):
helm upgrade -f values-override.yaml vui ./chart/ -n velero-ui
helm uninstall vui -n velero-ui kubectl delete ns velero-ui