This launcher should help to customize and update the mod "Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn" @
- Change language. Add support for new languages (Asian languages, Russian, etc...).
- Update the mod to the latest version in two clicks. Check changelog before update.
- Reset the mod the default installation (Remove customizations without reinstalling from scratch)
- Clear the cache of the game at each update.
- Many other customizations (Flag types, interface color, game autostart, terrain textures, etc.)
It is automatically installed when you install the mod on your computer.
Due to a request, the launcher has been made a bit more configurable, to allow to be used with others mods. When the launcher is first launched, it will generate a config file under "checker/checker_config.ini" which will contains the following:
If you add the following lines under [Mod], it will allow customization:
mod_name=Your mod name
The mod_name should be the same as the mod folder name. The url_check setting is used to check for update. Check for as an example. It should follow the same syntax (it is an SVN output XML).
Finally, the background can be changed in checker/and2_background.jpg.
- Docker:
- Autohotkey (Windows):
A Dockerfile is created under "project/". If you have Autohotkey installed:
- Execute "project\docker_prepare_build_machine.ahk" to prepare the build machine.
- Insert your Transifex API key (for translation update) and your mod path in "project/settings.ahk"
- To build the project: execute "project\docker_build_project.ahk" (build will output in "build/" dir).
- To update the translations: "project\docker_update_translations.ahk" (translations will be copied into your mod directory)
If you don't have Windows to build it, either install Autohotkey with wine, or read the commands and paste them manually in a console. Docker is still needed.
- Qt 5.4 with MinGW binaries
- Python 3.4
- To compile a static version of the launcher, you'll need a static version of Qt 5.4 configured into QtCreator. Follow this guide to do this:
- Then, open the launcher .pro file and compile.