Note: This project is no longer actively maintained. See this comment for details.
This plugin provides LLDB debugger integration for Neovim (demo gif) featuring:
- Elaborate view of debugger state
- Event-based, non-blocking UI
- Persistence of breakpoints and more across exits (session saving)
- Jump to code from Backtrace or Threads windows
- Modal approach: define modes and replay commands during mode-switches
- Tab-completion for LLDB commands
This plugin started out as a fork of which was forked from
This plugin takes advantage of Neovim's job API to spawn a separate process and communicates with the Neovim process using RPC calls.
- Neovim
- Neovim python2-client (release >= 0.1.6)
Using a plugin manager such as vim-plug:
Plug 'dbgx/lldb.nvim'
Alternatively, clone this repo, and add the following line to your nvimrc:
set rtp+=/path/to/lldb.nvim
and restart Neovim.
The plugin is being developed keeping 3 broad goals in mind:
- Ease of use: Users with almost zero knowledge of command line debuggers should feel comfortable using this plugin.
- Completeness: Experienced users of LLDB should not feel restricted.
- Customizability: Users should be able to bend this plugin to their needs.
Here is a short screencast demonstrating the basics: Youtube
Also check out the getting started section from vim-docs (:h lldb-start
For easy navigation of docs, I suggest using viewdoc plugin by powerman.
You have 2 choices:
- Use system python as the default python2 plugin provider of Neovim. Choosing this means you can use the LLDB that comes with XCode inside Neovim too. Read this awesome blog post by @Quiark for more details.
- I don't like the system version of python -- it's 2.7.X, but I want 2.7.Y which has this feature Z. No worries (I hope), just install the brew version of LLVM with LLDB and python support. (Good luck! You will need it!) Also see #15 and #18 for all the gory details of troubleshooting.
- Try
, and restart Neovim. - Try running the test script
, and see how it goes. If you encounter an error duringimport lldb
, see #6 (comment).
Please file a bug report (also see :help lldb-bugs
) if the problem persists.
- Objective-C
- Swift (also see swift-lldb)
- Rust (build:
rustc -g <file>
) - Go (build:
go build -gcflag '-N -l' <file>
, see this article's conclusion) - and more?
Try clang instead of gcc (fingers crossed). See clang comparison:
Clang does not implicitly simplify code as it parses it like GCC does. Doing so causes many problems for source analysis tools.
To be able to attach, the "attacher" needs to have special permissions. The easiest method is to run a debug server as 'sudo' and connect to it. See the question below.
I haven't been able to get gdbserver
, lldb-gdbserver
or lldb-server gdbserver
to work properly with the python API. But the following works; run:
# use sudo if you want to attach to a running process
$ lldb-server platform --listen localhost:2345
# in older versions of lldb, use this instead
$ lldb-platform --listen localhost:2345
The above command will start the server in platform mode and listen for connections on port 2345. Now, from the client (the plugin), run:
(lldb) platform select remote-linux
(lldb) platform connect connect://localhost:2345
(lldb) process attach --name cat
For more info on this, see Remote Debugging.