Releases: dbenkhal/POPiX
POPiX2.0: Floating to Fixed-Point Program Tuner for FPGA Hardware
POPIX 2.0 adds several features to POPiX that enhance its performance. One of these features is to include the generation of fixed-point program for FPGA-based hardware. The tool has been extended to use the ap_fixed
library of fixed-point formats
for high-level synthesis (HLS) of FPGA programs instead of using a fixed library with a uniform 32-bit number representation in a previous version.
To use POPiX2.0, you must install the following dependencies:
- JAVA SE version 19 or latest
- The following jar Files :
- ANTLR generator parser version 4.7.2 or latest
- GLPK solver version 4.65 or latest
- Vitis HLS 2023.2 (
🔨 Running the Example
Go inside Examples folder, choose a vitis example and copy its code to the file popix_src.
Next, open, add your the POPiX path on your machine at Line 15, and the path of the fixed-point library at Line 208
Compile POPiX2.0 with the following commands
java -cp /path-to-antlr-jar org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=Java *.g4
javac -cp /path-to-jars *.java src/Boolean/*.java src/Constraint/*.java src/Expression/*.java src/Number/*.java src/Statement/*.java src/ src/Util/*.java
- Now you can run POPiX2.0 to tune precision of the program in
using the following command
cd src
java -cp /path-to-jars/:. Main
if you encounter some compilation error, try to add the path to generated Grammar files to the classpath
java -cp /path-to-jars/:/path-to-generated-Grammaire-files/:.Main
To modify the user's accuracy requirement or the output variable, it is enough to modify it directly in the require_nsb(variable, nb_bits) statement which is usually the last line of each of our programs.
Generated Files
Once the execution process is done successfully, this will generate the follwowing files:
: program source annotated with control points at each node of the ASTconstraints
: prints the semantic equations generated for the program sourcepopix_output
: Optimized program annotated with the couple |ufp, nsb| where ufp is the weight of the most ignificant bit of the variable and nsb is the optimized precision returned by POPiX (at bit-level)
: MPFR code to create a program that gives an exact result (i.e. 500 bits)
: MPFR code generated with the optimized precisions returned by our POPiXpopix_vitis.cpp
: fixed-point program written in C++ with theap_fixed
fixed-point library formats
To use a program generated with the ap_fixed
library (popix_vitis.cpp
), open the Vitis HLS tool and create a new project using the generated file. Import the source code, configure the project settings, and ensure the appropriate FPGA target is selected. Once set up, initiate the synthesis process to generate hardware descriptions (e.g., RTL). The synthesized results can then be analyzed to evaluate performance metrics such as latency, resource utilization, and power consumption.
You need to declare the input variables of your programs using the keyword vitis_in
as shown
vitis_in [variable_name]
If you would like to test other examples, the programs must follow the grammar that implements the POPiX language. The grammar is available in the file Grammaire.g4.
Result Metrics
In addition to the generated files, the POPiX2.0 metrics after tuning will be displayed directly on the console. You will find:
- Information about the LP solver: number of constraints/variables in the solver and whether an optimal solution was found
- Total number of bits before/after tuning at bit-level
- % of optimization at bit-level and in IEEE754 formats (FP16, FP32, FP64, FP128, FPxx)
- Execution time measurements for each step of the POPiX workflow
📑 Cite This Work
POPiX version 1.0 is already available at .
Please cite our PoPiX articles (CF'24, CoDIT'23, DASIP'22).
author = {Dorra {Ben Khalifa} and
Matthieu Martel},
title = {Compile-Time Optimization of the Energy Consumption of Numerical Computations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, CF 2024},
pages = {},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2024}
author = {Dorra {Ben Khalifa} and
Matthieu Martel},
title = {On the Functional Properties of Automatically Generated Fixed-Point
booktitle = {9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information
Technologies, CoDIT},
pages = {786--791},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2023}
author = {Sofiane Bessa{\"{\i}} and
Dorra {Ben Khalifa} and
Hanane Benmaghnia and
Matthieu Martel},
title = {Fixed-Point Code Synthesis Based on Constraint Generation},
booktitle = {Design and Architecture for Signal and Image Processing - 15th International
Workshop, {DASIP} 2022, Budapest, Hungary, June 20-22, 2022, Proceedings},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {13425},
pages = {108--120},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2022}
📋 License
POPiX 2.0 is licensed under the GNU GPL 3 license only.
Copyright (c) 2024. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 only (GPL-3.0-only) which accompanies this
distribution, and is available at:
Author : Dorra Ben Khalifa 📧 [email protected]