Releases: daylightstudio/FUEL-CMS
- Added a .gitignore file for common files to ignore (So beware in case it causes a merge conflict)
- Added array_dot helper function to array_helper
- Added _call() magic method to fuel_category_model so it will return the model object if get{module}(TRUE) is used
- Added advanced search options for published and layout for pages module
- Added second parameter to Fuel_pages::get method to allow for initialization parameters
- Added logged in user's email address to the session since it's used with blog module
- Added ability to specify button image for the datepicker
- Added second parameter to Fuel_pages::get method to allow for initialization parameters
- Added ability to force the language segment or query string value for default languages
- Added ability to run module hooks for assets module
- Added {file} placeholder option for uploading a file and wanting it to swap in the uploaded file name
- Updates to assets field type to auto update the image preview
- Updated default site documentation so it will more intelligently display description and comments from layouts and form field
- Updated valid_email function to account for more modern email addresses
- Updated csv_to_array helper to allow specifying where the header row starts and the length value
- Updated Validator class so that the $_FILES array will be merged with the $_POST array by default
- Updated pluralize function to allow for an array to be passed to it
- Updated requirements to 5.2 due to using pathinfo function with PATHINFO_EXTENSION
- Updated Data_record::values() method to use getNumberOfRequiredParameters instead of getNumberOfParameters when looking at derived methods
- Fix for issue #288 to allow users to select from the URL page from WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed issue using {safe_mailto()} function within a blog post and it not creating a parse error
- Fixed error when duplicating a model record
- Fixed issue with site_docs and a custom documentation layout
- Fixed issue with CSS from another module not working correctly when passed to a form field
- Fixed belongs_to/has_many record where conditions to parse placeholders
- Fixed issue with repeatable fields and radio buttons not clearing their values
- Fixed issue with with uppercase file extensions in the image selector
- Several other smaller bug fixes
- Added colorpicker, dependent and toggler field types (see Forms documentation for more info)
- Updated CKEditor to version 4.4.4
- Added support for MySQLi
- Added ability to create preview_path method on a model for better control of URIs associated with modules
- Added before_label and after_label parameters to fields in Form_builder
- Added is_post_processing and is_pre_processing flags in Form_builder
- Added is_hidden and set_hidden methods to Fuel_layouts class
- Added ajax_options method to Base_module_model as a convenience for getting a list of records on a model
- Added add_error method to Data_record object (used by MY_Model)
- Updated CMS CSS to better accommodate the CI profiler results
- Updated the google_helper to include a function for universal analytics
- Updated a some generated file templates
- Changed database tables storage engine to use InnoDB instead of MySAM
- Fixed issue where files weren't being uploaded to the correct folder
- Fixed issue where PDF previews would show a broken image when selecting them in the asset selector
- Fixed fix for when a module is disabled it doesn't load in the interface
- Fixed issue regarding users being locked out after permissions being changed
- Fixed issue with trying to use native CKEditor image and link plugins alongside the FUEL versions
- Fixed issue with CKEditor when toggling between source and editor view and images being broken
- Fixed issue regarding hiding key_fields from being editing in the CMS even when not auto incremented
- Fixed issue when duplicating a page that has multiple language variables assigned to it
- Fixed issue with 301 layout doing a 302 instead of a 301 redirect
- Fixed issue when saving block fields outside of the pages module
- Several documentation link fixes and updates
- Various other bug fixes
Updated CodeIgniter to version 2.2
Added "hidden" parameter to Fuel_layout class to hide a layout in the CMS
Added ability to set the language value based on the domain for multi-language sites
Fixed issue with a label not being applied to enum select fields
Fixed issue in template field type where "float" parameter wasn't working correctly
Fixed issue loading custom_field types in libraries that start with "MY_" on some server environments
Fixed issue with Fuel_redirects::add_ssl() method "environment" parameter
Fixed issue with page variables not being set when changing languages
Fixed issue with the "init_display" parameter in the "template" field type affected nested repeatable fields
Fixed issue with hook parameters
And several other bug fixes...
Added class="action_{name}" to list view actions links
Added case sensitivity to page location lookups in the CMS
Added enum_params parameter to the "multi" field type
Added disabled parameter to textarea field type
Fix for issue where javascript wouldn't be properly executed if a textarea field wasn't set
Fixed assets module list items filtering to be case insensitive
FIxed issue when trying to upload a text/html document for a page or block
Fixed a couple issues with generated Careers module model
Fixed issue when using up/down key arrows when selecting an image asset
Fixed issue with PHP 5.4 explode(end(...)) in link_target function
Fixed issue with saving dates in repeatable fields
Fixed issue with using "lower" formatter with a record item
Fixed issue when trying to override the preview_path value for the Pages module
Fixed issue with loading SQL from windows with MY_DB_mysql_driver::load_sql()
Fixed link issue to the forum with install screen
Fixed issue with the database library not being loaded when trying to uninstall an advanced module
Several other bug fixes and improvements.
Added name method to fuel_user_model
Added ability to create an extra notification from within the model
Added a scope parameter to loading a view in a template view to prevent variables overriding
Updated migration to log “nothing to do” message if there aren’t any changes rather than the “success” message.
Fixed issue with file uploads and repeatable fields
Fixed new Chrome issue with selecting text in a number input field
Fixed issue with required validator helper when an integer is passed
Fixed issue creating a tree view from a foreign keyRemoved maxlength and size from Form_builder::create_number method since it's invalid HTML
Removed language attribute in display_errors function returned javascript
Several other minor bug fixes
Added is_404 helper
Added MY_Model::_handle_where() method to process db::where & db::where_in for find_one, find_all, and record_count
Added disabled parameter to Form_builder::create_text method
Added a subcontainer tag class param so classes can be added to the subcontainer ULs in the Menu class
fixed issue with image uploading and using placeholders
fixed regression bug regarding displaying page variables with multi-language sites
fixed error if fuel_mode is set just to "cms"
fixed issue when wanting to display readonly forms without menu actions
fixed error when the _ci_cached_vars[$scope] is empty in the Loader::get_vars method
fixed issue where if Fuel_redirects::max_redirects is equal to 0, that it would return an error message
fixed issue when passing urls to the Fuel_redirects::test method
fixed issue with sitemap.xml layout and view needing CDATA for loc tags
fixed error under settings when blog is installed
fixed issue with missing file_helper when using the file custom field type
fixed links to CI documentation to go to instead of
Several other bug fixes
Added ability to use a different model other then fuel_pagevariables_model for block layouts
Added link_filter paramter to wysiwyg field type
Added logging for migrations
Added a generic attributes parameter to Form_builder fields
Added additional security when editing the permissions of a user
Changed fuel_javascript configuration value to allow you to load javascript files from modules other then fuel (as well as the main 'app' asset/js/ folder)
Improved how page layout works so that it will run before saving both page data and page variable data
Fixed infinite redirect loop issue for some when browsing to /fuel
Fixed issue when duplicating a user and their permissions wouldn't show up
Fixed heading field in default 404 layout
Fixed issue when trying to overwrite a simple modules name
Fixed issue when uploading multiple images from a repeatable field
Fixed issue with list view in the CMS and a boolean field that accepts a NULL value and is a NULL value showing the incorrect value
Various other bug fixes
Added ability to display a preview of an uploaded file
Added ability to use placeholders for your upload path (e.g. 'folder' => 'images/{client_id}/')
Added Fuel_pages::children method
Fixed issue with checking compatibility with FUEL_VERSION value
Fixed issue with invalid layout file path
Fixed issue with sorting asset files by last_updated
Fixed issue with e modifier on a preg_replace causing errors on newer versions of PHP
Other minor bug fixes
- added non_ssl redirection to Fuel_redirects
- added ability to use placeholders in where conditions with foreign_keys on models (e.g. array(client_id => '{id}')
- added automatic casting of number values on record objects
- added ability to set an order parameter to an options list
- added safeguards to prevent passwords from potentially needing to be reset
- added CSS styling for file upload dropzone
- fixed several CSS issues (in particular with the login page)
- fixed issue when adding a table name to a filter when you may not want to
- fixed several documentation typos
- several other bug fixes
Includes, new object oriented structure, better inline editing, custom fields, new interface and a whole lot more.