Added a .gitignore file for common files to ignore (So beware in case it causes a merge conflict)
Added array_dot helper function to array_helper
Added _call() magic method to fuel_category_model so it will return the model object if get {module}(TRUE) is used
Added advanced search options for published and layout for pages module
Added second parameter to Fuel_pages::get method to allow for initialization parameters
Added logged in user's email address to the session since it's used with blog module
Added ability to specify button image for the datepicker
Added second parameter to Fuel_pages::get method to allow for initialization parameters
Added ability to force the language segment or query string value for default languages
Added ability to run module hooks for assets module
Added {file} placeholder option for uploading a file and wanting it to swap in the uploaded file name
Updates to assets field type to auto update the image preview
Updated default site documentation so it will more intelligently display description and comments from layouts and form field
Updated valid_email function to account for more modern email addresses
Updated csv_to_array helper to allow specifying where the header row starts and the length value
Updated Validator class so that the $_FILES array will be merged with the $_POST array by default
Updated pluralize function to allow for an array to be passed to it
Updated requirements to 5.2 due to using pathinfo function with PATHINFO_EXTENSION
Updated Data_record::values() method to use getNumberOfRequiredParameters instead of getNumberOfParameters when looking at derived methods
Fix for issue #288 to allow users to select from the URL page from WYSIWYG editor
Fixed issue using {safe_mailto()} function within a blog post and it not creating a parse error
Fixed error when duplicating a model record
Fixed issue with site_docs and a custom documentation layout
Fixed issue with CSS from another module not working correctly when passed to a form field
Fixed belongs_to/has_many record where conditions to parse placeholders
Fixed issue with repeatable fields and radio buttons not clearing their values
Fixed issue with with uppercase file extensions in the image selector
Several other smaller bug fixes
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