A tool for sphere marching over mlps trained to produce sdf values given point queries... Makes pretty renders!
First clone repo (and all dependencies)
git clone --recursive https://github.com/daviesthomas/sdfSphereMarcher.git
cd sdfSphereMarcher
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j 8
-H image height
-W image width
-i input mesh or weights
-o output image path
-s shading type (0: outline, 1: grayscale, 2: phong)
render cheburashka weights onto a 512x512 image with phong shading! (example seen below)
./sdfViewer_bin -H 512 -W 512 -i ../examples/weights/cheburashka.h5 -o ../examples/images/cheburashka.png -s 2
render cheburashka mesh for comparison :)
./sdfViewer_bin -H 512 -W 512 -i ../examples/mesh/cheburashka.obj -o ../examples/images/cheburashka-real.png -s 2