Zipkin implementation for OpenTracingTracer in PHP.
This library allows OpenTracing API consumers to use Zipkin as their tracing backend. For details on how to work with spans and traces we suggest looking at the documentation and README from the OpenTracing API.
In order to understand OpenTracing API, one must first be familiar with the OpenTracing project and terminology more generally.
To understand how Zipkin works, you can look at Zipkin Architecture and Zipkin PHP documentation.
composer require jcchavezs/zipkin-opentracing
Firstly, we need to setup a tracer:
use OpenTracing\GlobalTracer;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Zipkin\Endpoint;
use Zipkin\Samplers\BinarySampler;
use Zipkin\TracingBuilder;
use Zipkin\Reporters\Http;
$endpoint = Endpoint::create('my_service', '', null, 8081);
$reporter = new Zipkin\Reporters\Http();
$sampler = BinarySampler::createAsAlwaysSample();
$tracing = TracingBuilder::create()
$zipkinTracer = new ZipkinOpenTracing\Tracer($tracing);
GlobalTracer::set($zipkinTracer); // optional
- Starting a root span
- Starting a span for a given request
- Active span and scope manager
- Using span options
PHP as a request scoped language has no simple means to pass the collected spans data to a background process without
blocking the main request thread/process. It is mandatory to execute the Tracer::flush()
after the response is served
to the client by using register_shutdown_function
use OpenTracing\GlobalTracer;
register_shutdown_function(function() {
composer test
composer fix-lint