This is a hub that connects teachers to students for any subject. Also, this is an app that was made during the class called Software Engineering I within ITBA's program.
Link to the university program: Sofware Engineering - ITBA
Read this for downloading and installing the app from your mobile device.
You'll need:
- Android KitKat or later (version 4.4, API level 19).
- Installation of apps from unknown sources permitted (see the "Setting up your device"
section at
- The application's binary file (download from the "Releases" section in this project's
GitHub repository home page), then begin the installation by opening the file.
- Dart 2.16.2 - The programming language used
- David Itcovici - LinkedIn
- Julián M. Sasso
- Agustín H. Mattiussi
- Desiree Limachi
- Matías E. Daneri
- Ian J. Arnott
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.