Python interface for the Mission Oriented Software Suite (MOOS), developed at Oxford University [] and hosted on GitHub []
The pymoos bindings were written by Ian Baldwin and hosted at
The pymoos bindings require at a minimum that the core MOOS packages be installed. They are curently written for the pre-V10 header structure and so MOOS must be compiled with the ENABLE_V10_COMPATIBILITY flag set.
git clone
cd core-moos
mkdir build
cd build
Boost Python compiled against Python3 is also required. Newer Ubuntu installations ship with both 2.7 and 3.2 versions of the Boost Python library. For older versions (or other OS's) Boost Python must be compiled and linked against Python3.2. Download the Boost source code and extract to a folder and then:
./ --prefix=path/to/installation/prefix --with-python-version=3.2
./b2 install
The pymoos bindings can be downloaded and installed by:
git clone [email protected]:davidhodo/pymoos.git
cd pymoos
mkdir build
cmake ../
sudo make install
The installation can be tested by:
import pymoos.MOOSCommClient
If an import error occurs check that the installation directory (usually /usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages on Ubuntu) is included in your PYTHONPATH. If not it can be added by:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages
The following code snippet creates a MOOS comm client from Python and connects to a database hosted on the local machine. From a Python3 interpreter, run:
import pymoos.MOOSCommClient
m = pymoos.MOOSCommClient.MOOSApp()
m.Run( "", 9000, "pymoos_test", 10)