Extractor component for Keboola Connection allowing to retrieve files from FTP server and store them in Storage.
Simple component allowing user to dowload specified CSV files from FTP repository. In current version the component allows to retrieve files in several scenarios:
- Retrieve single specified file and store it in specified Storage table
- Retrieve all CSV files existing in specified directory and upload them to a single storage table.
- Retrieve all CSV files with specified prefix from specified directory and upload them to a single storage table.
Extractor retrieves only files that has changed or has been added since the last retrieval. All specified content is downloaded at the first run. Note that this is based on remote files timestamps and you need to set the parameter FTP host timezone properly in order to make this work for FTP(S) protocol.
The extractor now supports FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocols.
The component allows both implicit FTP over SSL (default port 990) and explicit FTPS (default port 21). By default it supports all certificates signed by Root CAs.
The component newly allows to retrieve archived (ZIP) files. You can download a single zip file or all files in the folder in the same manner as when downloading csv files. I.e. you can specify prefix
parameter or a full name. The only difference is that the extension
parameter is ignored and the ZIP file is expected to contain only csv files of the same type - all files within the archive are merged into the single Storage table. The ZIP files must not contain folder hierarchy and all folders are ignored.
- FTP host URL – (REQ) url of FTP host
- FTP host port - optional parameter allowing to specify alternative port. If null, the default port for selected protocol is used.
- FTP user name – (REQ) FTP user name
- FTP password – (REQ) FTP password
- FTP protocol – (REQ) Specifies the FTP protocol (FTP, FTPS_IMPLICIT, FTPS_EXPLICIT and SFTP are currently supported)
- FTP host timezone – (REQ) timezone of the FTP host machine. This parameter needs to be specified for the extractor to work properly. Due to FTP protocol limitation, the timestamps of remote files reflects the timezone setting of the remote server, however the TZ information is not passed by any way. If this is not set correctly, the extractor may not retrieve all newly uploaded files, since it is based on their timestamps. (NOTE: this parameter does not affect SFTP protocol)
- mappings - (REQ) list of files (folders) to download
- Remote Path - (REQ) remote Path (by default a remote folder) e.g. /myfolder/mysubfolder
- Table name – (REQ) Storage bucket and table where the result will be uploaded (e.g. out.c-main.mytable).
- Download folder or file – (DEFAULT FOLDER) indicator whether to download a single file or the whole folder
- Compression - (DEFAULT
) Specifies whether the retrieved files are archives and its' compression type. For more information see Compression section above. - extension - (DEFAULT
) optional parameter specifying custom extension of files to retrieve. i.e.txt
. If not specified all files withcsv
extension will be downloaded by default. NOTE: Wildcard*
may be specified to accept all extensions or for files with none. - Storage upload mode – (DEFAULT INCREMENTAL) specifies whether to upload incrementally. If set to INCREMENTAL, the pkey must be specified.
- Primary Key – (REQ) – array of namees of the primary key columns, required (If upload mode is INCREMENTAL)
- Prefix – optional prefix string of files to download and group into single table
- Delimiter – (DEFAULT ,) delimiter remote csv file (default , )
- Enclosure – (DEFAULT ") enclosure of remote csv file
Simplest setting of the extractor. Download all
csv files in the remote folders downloads
and downloads2
and store
them incrementaly in a specified storage table. Assuming that the
delimiter and enclosure is default ,
and “
"user": "user1",
"#pass": "mypassword",
"mappings": [
"ftpPath": "downloads",
"sapiPath": "out.c-main.mytable1",
"pkey": ["ID"]
"ftpPath": "downloads2",
"sapiPath": "out.c-main.mytable2",
"pkey": ["asd"]
Downlad all csv files in the downloads
directory whose name start with orders
. e.g. files orders_1-1-12.csv
, orders-5.csv
will be downloaded and uploaded to specified table out.c-main.order
"user": "user1",
"#pass": "mypassword",
"mappings": [
"ftpPath": "downloads",
"sapiPath": "out.c-main.orders",
"pkey": ["ID"],
"prefix": "orders”,
Downlad all csv files in the downloads
directory whose name start with orders
and its' extension is txt
. e.g. files orders_1-1-12.txt
, orders-5.txt
will be downloaded and uploaded to specified table out.c-main.order
"user": "user1",
"#pass": "mypassword",
"mappings": [
"ftpPath": "downloads",
"sapiPath": "out.c-main.orders",
"pkey": ["ID"],
"prefix": "orders”,
"extension": "txt"
Downlad single csv file from remote path
"user": "user1",
"#pass": "mypassword",
"mappings": [
"ftpPath": "downloads/single.csv",
"sapiPath": "out.c-main.single",
"isFolder" : 0,
"pkey": ["ID"]