Site for the sale of handmade articles like necklaces and bracelets, in this case for a woman who really likes the color pink. This site is developed started from a template, it is written with HTML, CSS and JQuery with the use of some libraries and is completely responsive
- root HTML pages
- css Only css files
- fonts Fonts of the site
- images
All images, icons and logos of the site, divided in subfolders:
- articles
- icons
- js Only javascript files including internal js, libraries and a file for DB
- sounds Only mp3 files
- jQuery It is a JavaScript library that makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler
- fontawesome Internet's icon library and toolkit
- breakpoints and browser A lightweight library for managing responsive sites and web apps
Not having a server side it was decided to make a database with a js file (db.js).
The tables are simple arrays of objects and for each there is a js file that manages it.
- articles Articles made by the merchant
- markets All events where the merchant shows his articles live
- categories This is a simple array of possible article categories
To insert an element into DB just add an object to array into db.js file
Here an example of articles array (table of DB):
var articles = [
insert: new Date("2018/07/15 19:50"),
img_thumb: "images/articles/thumbs/collana_lapislazzuli.jpeg",
img_full: "images/articles/fulls/collana_lapislazzuli.jpeg",
title: "Collana di lapislazzuli",
"Collana di lapislazzuli 67cm circa con copriperle e rondelle con brillantini. Accessori e chiusura in acciaio inox.",
category: 0,
price: 30.0,
size: [67],
insert: new Date("2018/07/15 19:51"),
img_thumb: "images/articles/thumbs/collana_ceramica.jpeg",
img_full: "images/articles/fulls/collana_ceramica.jpeg",
title: "Collana in ceramica",
"Collana in ceramica cm 80 con rondelle con zirconi artificiali e chiusura in acciaio inox.",
category: 0,
price: 25.0,
size: [80],
The site is made in one page, creating the skeleton in HTML and then including parts and information by javascript:
- header Simple fixed header where are placed the filter and a button to activate the background sound
- introduction That contains a short history of the merchant and his contacts
- articles Here are loaded the articles from the db by javascript
- footer Simple footer