Releases: davidbuzatto/JSGE
Releases · davidbuzatto/JSGE
- New methods to take and save screenshots!
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- Examples source code moved to JSGE-Showcase repository;
- The compiled version of the showcase will be available with the releases of JSGE from now on.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- Now GuiColorPicker can be configured to hide the alpha slider;
- GuiToolTip will be repositioned if its is out of screen bounds;
- Bugfixes.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- Improvements on how themes are applied to components, making the creation of new components more flexible;
- Bugfixes.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- New IMGUI component: GuiScrollBar;
- GuiDropdownList and GuiList components updated to use GuiScrollBar;
- Improvements for GuiTheme;
- Bugfixes.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- New IMGUI components: GuiGlue and GuiToolTip;
- Support for themes: GuiTheme;
- Bugfixes.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- New IMGUI component suite;
- Bugfixes.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- New drawing methods exposing Graphics and Graphic2D basic methods.
- New drawRectangle methods for both engine and image.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.
- Scissor mode for graphic context clipping.
Compiled package requires JDK 17 or above.