Our bot tracks the mood of your Slack channel in real time, and identifies for you where coworkers may not be particularly friendly. We are using a sentiment analysis algorithm from https://algorithmia.com, and each message's sentiment is rated according to that algorithm.
First, clone the respository and enter it.
$ git clone <url>
$ cd SlackSentiment
Set up the virtual environment (with python 2.7!) and config file.
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 .
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp python-rtmbot-master/rtmbot.conf.example python-rtmbot-master/rtmbot.conf
Create a Slack Bot and get the API token here.
Create an Algorithmia account and get an API token here.
Update python-rtmbot-master/rtmbot.conf with your API keys from Slack and Algorithmia.
Enter the python-rtmbot-master directory and run the rtmbot.
$ cd python-rtmbot-master
$ python rtmbot.py
Check your Slack channel, and your bot will appear online.
The results from the analysis are in the form of:
- Negative
- Neutral
- Postitive
For more detail check out the algorithm's page https://algorithmia.com/algorithms/nlp/SocialSentimentAnalysis.
Currently there are three simple commands in the slack chatbox:
NOTE: commands are case sensitive.
NOTE: Slack bots can be invited to other channels and function as long as the files are running.
current mood?
This command will display the current averages:
marvin BOT [7:45 PM]
Positive: 20.0%
Neutral: 60.0%
Negative: 20.0%
bot function?
This command will display what this bot is used for such as:
this bot analyzes sentiments in the group
show graph?
This command will display current averages as mentioned above with visuals such as a pie graph. e.g
Provided in the historical
directory is a script that will review the last 24 hours of your Slack channel.
To run the historical analysis first you need your channel id. Running the following to get a list from your checkout directory.
$ python historical/channel_review.py -l
Channel Name Slack ID
-------------- ----------
home C0MUSFS49
random C0ASDF34R
general C056STSWB
Copy the id for the required channel and do the following:
$ python historical/channel_review.py -c C056STSWB
%positive %neutral %negative
----------- ---------- -----------
30 48 22
When running the slack bot if a person types a sensitive or foul language in the chat box such as: "bloody hell" an automated message will pop up in the chat box:
please refrain from using sensitive words!
For list of all foul/senesitive keywords please refer to the bad_list.txt
file in the python-rtmbot-master
These words comprehenisve list of common sensitive words compiled by Google.