Flexible Arduino-based tracker software for RTTY, LoRa and APRS.
This repository is specifically for the TTGO T-Beam which has ESP32, UBlox NEO-6M and LoRa transceiver |
Compared with usual AVR FlexTrack, it has landing prediction, OLED support and EEPROM configuration.
This code provides simultaneous (where legal and supported by the hardware installed) transmission of radio telemetry via RTTY and APRS on Habduino Arduino addon boards for High Altitude Ballooning.
To build FlexTrack for use with a HABDuino or other tracker using I2C communications, you need to install this library into your Arduino IDE:
In addition, for the TTGO T-Beam the AXP202X Library is required:
Libraries can be added via the Ardunio IDE menu: Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .zip Library
The FlexTrack code is provided as is with no guarantees of performance or operation.
If you decide to use this code under a balloon it’s your responsibility to ensure you comply with the local legislation and laws regarding meteorological balloon launching and radio transmission in the air. The Radiometrix NTX2B 434Mhz is NOT license exempt in the United States of America and does need a radio amateur license.
Use of APRS requires a radio amateur license in all countries and a number of countries don’t permit the airborne use of APRS under any circumstances.
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure Habduino hardware and code is used safely and legally please review the safety section on the website.
Please read this http://www.daveakerman.com/?p=1732
The hardware design & code for Habduino is released under a Creative Commons License 3.0 Attribution-ShareAlike License : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/