Display job offers via the offical Personio XML Feed.
The recommended way to install the extension is by using Composer. In your Composer based TYPO3 project root, just run:
composer require dskzpt/personio
- Install the extension
- Include the provided static typoscript
- Add a "Personio: Job List" to any page of your choice
- Configure the Plugin via it's flexform
In order to generate a nicer URL you can use the following Route Enhancer. The UID of the Job offering will then be use for the detail page URL.
- XX
type: Extbase
extension: Personio
plugin: Show
routePath: '/{uid}'
_controller: 'Personio::show'
defaultController: 'Personio::show'
*XX = Uid of your page with a show plugin
Please refer to the contributing document included in this repository.