libsodium bindings for Kotlin/Native.
The datkt.sodium
package an be installed with various package managers.
$ npm install @datkt/sodium
- Kotlin/Native and the
command line program. - make
## Compile a program in 'main.kt' and link sodium.klib found in `node_modules/`
$ konanc -r node_modules/@datkt -l sodium/sodium main.kt
where main.kt
might be
import datkt.sodium.* // entire libsodium API
import kotlinx.cinterop.* // exposes types needed for interop
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
if (0 != sodium_init()) {
throw Error("Failed to initialize libsodium")
import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import datkt.sodium.sodium_init
import datkt.sodium.randombytes_buf
import datkt.sodium.randombytes_random
import datkt.sodium.randombytes_uniform
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val rc = sodium_init()
if (0 != rc) {
throw Error("sodium_init() != 0")
println("${randombytes_random()} = randombytes_random()")
println("${randombytes_uniform(37)} = randombytes_uniform(37)")
var buffer = ByteArray(16)
buffer.usePinned { pinned ->
randombytes_buf(pinned.addressOf(0), buffer.size.convert())
println("${toHexString(buffer)} = randombytes_buf(ByteArray(16), 16)")
val table = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray()
fun toHexString(bytes: ByteArray): String {
var output = CharArray(2 * bytes.size)
for (i in bytes.indices) {
val j = (bytes[i].toInt() and 0xff).toInt()
output[2 * i] = table[j ushr 4]
output[1 + 2 * i] = table[j and 0x0f]
return String(output)
This package binds libsodiums entire API and provides an
API for Kotlin and can be imported from the sodium
package. For
example, the crypto_generichash()
with the following C function
int crypto_generichash(unsigned char *out,
size_t outlen,
const unsigned char *in,
unsigned long long inlen,
const unsigned char *key,
size_t keylen);
translates to the following Kotlin function signature:
fun crypto_generichash(out: CValuesRef<UByteVar>?,
outlen: size_t,
`in`: CValuesRef<UByteVar>?,
inlen: ULong,
key: CValuesRef<UByteVar>?,
keylen: size_t): Int;
and can be called in Kotlin like:
val buffer = ByteArray(crypto_generichash_BYTES.toInt())
val message = "hello"
buffer.usePinned { pinned ->
pinned.addressOf(0) as CValuesRef<UByteVar>,
message.cstr as CValuesRef<UByteVar>,
null, // key
0 // key size
The sodium
package can be built from source into various targets.
, a Kotlin library that can be linked with konanc
can be
built from source.
$ make klib
which will produce build/lib/sodium.klib
. The library can be installed
with klib
by running make install
, a static library that can be linked with konanc
can be
built from source.
$ make static
which will produce build/lib/libsodium.a
and C header files in
. The library can be installed into your system by
running make install
. The path prefix can be set by defining the
environment or make
variable. It defaults to