102 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- docs(ingest/mode): add details on authentication/permissions for mode by @hsheth2 in #12508
- fix(ingest/snowflake): Create all structured propery templates before assignation by @treff7es in #12469
- docs: fix token to be not required in sample script by @yoonhyejin in #12511
- fix(mssql): adds missing containers and browsepathsv2 for dataflow and datajob by @sgomezvillamor in #12483
- fix(ingest/glue): change to warning on access denied by @anshbansal in #12519
- fix(ingest/mode): remove unused field by @anshbansal in #12520
- docs: fix link to executor helm chart by @anshbansal in #12522
- fix(ingest): add missing dep for gcs by @hsheth2 in #12505
- docs(entity-change-events): add docs for action request events by @gabe-lyons in #12493
- docs(ingest): script to add ERModelRelationship Entity by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #12473
- refactor(trace-model): refactor trace model package by @david-leifker in #12510
- fix(ci): run smoke tests on release by @chakru-r in #12518
- chore(bump): bump jmx version by @david-leifker in #12524
- fix(cli): avoid false positive cli upgrade suggestions by @hsheth2 in #12497
- fix(ingest/azure-ad): limit the size of the ingestion report by @hsheth2 in #12498
- feat(metadata-io): enable rollback transaction support by @david-leifker in #12509
- feat(snowflake): add missing pushdown_deny_usernames config to be used when use_queries_v2 by @sgomezvillamor in #12527
- fix(model): fixes DashboardContainsDashboard relationship in DashboardInfo aspect by @sgomezvillamor in #12433
- feat(restoreIndices): update restore indices args and docs by @RyanHolstien in #12529
- fix(businessAttribute): fix business Attribute related entities by @deepgarg-visa in #12537
- fix(ui): make data process instance visible in container in V2& fix model/modelgroup names by @yoonhyejin in #12513
- fix(ingest): avoid multiprocessing "fork" start method by @hsheth2 in #12543
- fix(ui): revert backend breaking changes to mau by @kevinkarchacryl in #12461
- tests(kafka-connect): fixes integration tests setup by @sgomezvillamor in #12531
- fix(ingest/unity): add row count in table profile of delta tables by @mayurinehate in #12480
- fix(ingest): use lossy collections by @anshbansal in #12523
- fix(misc-openapi): fix openlineage, platform events & swagger by @david-leifker in #12539
- fix(test): move reading env variable inside method by @anshbansal in #12549
- feat(versioning): Add V2 UI; make backend more synchronous; add to component library by @asikowitz in #12542
- docs(iceberg): add iceberg user guide by @chakru-r in #12533
- feat(ingestion/snowflake):adds streams as a new dataset with lineage and properties. by @brock-acryl in #12318
- feat(powerbi): Report to Dashboard lineage by @sgomezvillamor in #12451
- fix(no-rows-updated): fix no rows updated by @david-leifker in #12530
- ci(smoke): report smoke test results to codecov by @hsheth2 in #12556
- feat(UI): Confirmation before deleting Link by @pinakipb2 in #12162
- feat(ingestion/s3): ignore depth mismatched path by @eagle-25 in #12326
- feat(docs-site) adding case studies and updating banner by @jayacryl in #12525
- feat(ingestion/mongodb) re-order aggregation logic by @Haebuk in #12428
- docs(salesforce): add missing salesforce source to cli doc by @remisalmon in #12550
- feat(openapi): precondition exceptions return 412 by @david-leifker in #12552
- feat(openapi): point in time parameter (elasticsearch only) by @david-leifker in #12553
- fix(openapi-spec): fix openapi spec oneOf schema by @david-leifker in #12561
- fix(autocomplete): fix autocomplete duplicate field by @david-leifker in #12558
- build(deps): bump black from 23.7.0 to 24.3.0 in /metadata-service/iceberg-catalog by @dependabot in #12502
- feat(sdk): add scaffolding for sdk v2 by @hsheth2 in #12554
- doc(dbt): Add missing dbt extra requirement to cli doc by @remisalmon in #12568
- feat(docs): Add live secret reload docs to k8s remote executor page by @pedro93 in #12541
- fix(ingest): remove duplicate mcps,more typing by @mayurinehate in #12557
- doc: update doc of first release by @anshbansal in #12574
- fix(docs) explain need to restore indices when adding @searchable by @jayacryl in #12576
- fix(sdk): fix platform instance generation in the sdk by @hsheth2 in #12573
- fix(looker): sort user mapping for consistency by @hsheth2 in #12569
- fix(ingestion/teradata): teradata profiling fix for pooling by @brock-acryl in #12507
- fix(structuredProps) Add validation for allowedTypes and harden API for invalid types by @chriscollins3456 in #12578
- fix(ui): better experience for analytics charts by @kevinkarchacryl in #12462
- feat(ingest/mssql): improve stored procedure splitting by @hsheth2 in #12563
- docs: add page on metadata standards by @hsheth2 in #12584
- feat(gh-workflows) adding jayacryl to pr-labeler by @jayacryl in #12579
- fix(iceberg): delete associated platform resources when deleting warehouse by @chakru-r in #12564
- feat(ingest): add display name for dynamodb tables by @mayurinehate in #12534
- fix(ui) Show editable field info for fields based on exact fieldPath version by @chriscollins3456 in #12570
- fix(openapi-schema): fix openapi schema generator by @david-leifker in #12590
- feat(ingestion/dbt): Add include_database_name parameter for dbt core by @svdimchenko in #12411
- fix(web) ingestion page resets when filter updated by @jayacryl in #12589
- dev: update pre-commit config by @anshbansal in #12592
- feat(UI): add user location to user profile page by @samanthafigueredo5 in #12016
- fix(graphql): Skip schema fields with empty fieldPaths to prevent the dataset mapper from erroring out by @jayasimhankv in #12562
- feat(graphql,ui): Update ML system V2 UI by @asikowitz in #12598
- fix(url-encoding): fix regression in url encoding by @david-leifker in #12601
- fix(ingest/snowflake): order queries for queries_v2 by @hsheth2 in #12551
- feat(ci): add pytest hooks for updating golden files by @hsheth2 in #12581
- fix(ingest): pick topics from config for sink connector by @mayurinehate in #12535
- doc: add note for subscription by @anshbansal in #12607
- feat(okta): adds ingest_groups_users config parameter by @sgomezvillamor in #12371
- feat(urn-validation): Add UrnValidation PDL annotation by @david-leifker in #12572
- feat(search): include timestamp for entity metadata change by @deepgarg-visa in #12567
- chore(py): add unused-noqa lint rule by @hsheth2 in #12615
- fix(ingest/mode): tweak lineage warning message by @hsheth2 in #12616
- docs: add Wealthsimple in adoption list by @llance in #12627
- chore(bump): bump netty version by @david-leifker in #12624
- chore(bump): bump jsonsmart by @david-leifker in #12625
- chore(bump): bump kafka base image by @david-leifker in #12626
- docs: update local dev guide by @yoonhyejin in #12585
- fix(tableau): skip ingesting filtered project assets by @mihai103 in #12591
- fix(search): Add boost to chart title for consistency by @jjoyce0510 in #12635
- config(edge-status): disable by default by @david-leifker in #12634
- feat(UI): Adding sourcemaps for cloudfare builds by @sakethvarma397 in #12612
- fix(dagster): support dagster 1.10.0 by @hsheth2 in #12648
- fix(ingest/unity): add exception handling by @anshbansal in #12639
- feat(cli): add extra pip and debug flag by @anshbansal in #12621
- tests(iceberg): integration test fixes by @chakru-r in #12655
- fix(ui): null deref by @anshbansal in #12659
- fix(iceberg): enable nested namespaces in path by @ksrinath in #12653
- feat(sdk): add/remove methods + other small improvements by @hsheth2 in #12646
- docs: add guide on writing mcps to a file by @yoonhyejin in #12654
- [BREAKING CHANGE] fix(openapi): fixing openapi nesting by @gabe-lyons in #12580
- feat(validation): Disallow deleting system users by @pedro93 in #12641
- fix(mssql): correctly split stored procs SQL by @ttekampe in #12618
- feat(ingestion) source info data model to use keyword searchables by @jayacryl in #12630
- fix: fix data process instance preview & add state on data process instance graphql by @yoonhyejin in #12662
- fix(cypress): Improve smoke test flakiness by @asikowitz in #12645
- feat(bigquery): fetch bigquery dataset (datahub container) description by @sgomezvillamor in #12620
- feat(ingestion-cli): enable ingest mcps from s3 by @david-leifker in #12649
- chore(ingest): Add Stateful ingestion support for the missing sources by @treff7es in #12665
- fix(businessAttribute): add businessAttribute-dataset missing permission by @deepgarg-visa in #12650
- feat(ui,graphql): Finish bringing alchemy UI to OSS by @asikowitz in #12670
- fix(ebean): refactor, fix & optimize by @david-leifker in #12613
- fix(ingest/snowflake): update logic to identify hybrid tables by @mayurinehate in #12672
- fix(ingestion/oracle): add option for thick mode and oracle client library (#12596) by @dougbot01 in #12644
- dev: reduce log in gradle commands by @anshbansal in #12677
- fix(spring): Correct SpringStandardPluginConfiguration for UserDeleteValidator by @pedro93 in #12667
- docs(iceberg): add spark-sql samples by @chakru-r in #12565
- clean(openapi): remove unneeded schema by @david-leifker in #12691
- config(): Enable V2 UI in quickstart by default by @david-leifker in #12692
- fix(ingest): ensure proper cleanup on pipeline init failure by @hsheth2 in #12680
- fix(runId): fix runId no document found by @david-leifker in #12668
- fix(npe): fix and test for npe by @david-leifker in #12697
- fix: skip browsePathv2 generation for entities that do not support it by @yoonhyejin in #12687
- chore(): Bring latest incidents data model + GraphQL to OSS by @jjoyce0510 in #12671
- docs: add mlflow to integration page by @yoonhyejin in #12698
- fix(ui): new users chart title fix by @anshbansal in #12701
- fix(smoke-test): fix test_timeseries_rollback by @david-leifker in #12694
- fix(ingest): prevent interleaved writes in dead letter queue by @hsheth2 in #12688
- config(): disable edge filter by @david-leifker in #12703
- docs(ingest): add more details on SQL parser limitations by @hsheth2 in #12669
- chore(ingest): bump sqlglot version to latest by @hsheth2 in #12696
- chore(docs): disable wheel builds in docs site by @hsheth2 in #12709
- chore(docs): archive v0.14.1 docs by @hsheth2 in #12708
- dev: upgrade ruff, remove 2 ruff ignore rules by @anshbansal in #12702
- feat(validation): enable validation trim options by @david-leifker in #12712
- fix(tracing): handle noop mcl by @david-leifker in #12713
- feat(ingest): migrate Cassandra source to new SDK by @hsheth2 in #12695
New Contributors
- @brock-acryl made their first contribution in #12318
- @Haebuk made their first contribution in #12428
- @samanthafigueredo5 made their first contribution in #12016
- @mihai103 made their first contribution in #12591
- @ttekampe made their first contribution in #12618
- @dougbot01 made their first contribution in #12644
Full Changelog: v1.0.0rc1...v1.0.0rc2