Execute code remotelly via Node.js inspect protocol like Clojure nREPL. Primary usage for REPL driven development.
npm install -g node-remote-repl
You can always get help of cli:
node-remote-repl --help
Usage: node-remote-repl [options] <file>
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --host <string> host of inspect protocol (default: "localhost")
-p, --port <number> port of inspect protocol (default: 9229)
-h, --help display help for command
Ok, it's very easy, create for example repl.js
and play with it
node-remote-repl --host some-host --port 9229 repl.js
Also TypeScript supported too
node-remote-repl --host some-host --port 9229 repl.ts
If you want to use fast TypeScript compiler
USE_SWC=1 node-remote-repl --host some-host --port 9229 repl.ts
For TypeScript support should be installed typescript or @swc/core (when USE_SWC=1) in your devDependencies
console.log(/* some stuff */);
exports.$repl = async () => {
return 1 + 1;
exports.$replJson = async () => {
return {obj: true};
const util = require('util');
const module = require('./some-module');
exports.$repl = async () => {
return util.inspect(module.method(), {colors: true});
exports.$repl = async () => {
const n: number = 1;
return n;
const Module = require('./some-module');
Module.prototype.method = () => {
// replace implementation on the fly
Because it simple command line util, you can easy integrate it with your IDE. For example let's do it with Visual Studio Code and Code Runner extension:
- install Code Runner extension to Visual Studio Code
- configure Code Runner to run
"code-runner.executorMapByGlob": {
"repl.js": "node-remote-repl --host some-host --port 9229"
- profit, now you can fastly run repl via Visual Studio Code
- I hope, some similar stuff exists on all popular IDE
- repl-ns - Namespace for REPL driven development for TypeScript/JavaScript, inspired by Clojure namespaces