Wrapping repository for the original Fedora kickstart files: Fedora Kickstarts
This is a customized Fedora build based on a stripped-down GNOME Workstation release oriented for Game Developemt. It provides a bare minimum desktop environment with networking, Wi-Fi, some basic GNOME apps, shell extensions, and optional NVIDIA drivers (which you can easily disable).
- Brave Browser
- VS Code
- GitHub Desktop
- C++ Development Environment (GCC and Clang)
- Proprietary Nvidia Drivers
- Fastfetch (C++ Neofetch replacement)
Fixes fractional scaling on all electron apps on HiDpi monitors.
First you need to:
sudo dnf install livecd-tools
git clone https://github.com/darkestmedium/FedoraKickstartsCustom.git && cd ./FedoraKickstartsCustom
You can build the ISO using the VS Code tasks by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B, selecting "Build ISO", and waiting for it to finish. Afterward, you can burn/copy it to a USB drive with the "Burn to USB Drive".
You can manually run the following shell commands: (Replace $inputFields with actual names.)
sudo livecd-creator \
--config=./fedora-live-custom.ks \
--releasever=${input:releaseServer} \
--fslabel=Fedora-${input:isoLabel}-${input:releaseServer} \
--tmpdir=./Temp \
--cache=./Cache/Live \
sudo dd \
if=${input:inputFile} \
of=${input:outputFile} \
bs=4M status=progress
You can use the Scripts/Gnome-Setup.sh to setup your desktop after installation.
If you're currently not running Fedora you can grab one of the prebuild .iso's from my gdrive.
Fedora-3dDevNv-40 with the proprietary Nvidia drivers: GDrive Fedora-3dDevNv-40
Fedora-3dDev-40 with Mesa drivers: GDrive Fedora-3dDev-40
And don't forget to have fun!