- Ive used redpanda which is a kafka compatible streaming client for simulating a producer
- The kafka connect s3 sink is configured to use mini-io which is an s3 compatible storage backend used extensively for local testing.
- The docker compose file comtaines the necessary parameters which the s3 sink requires to be able to save partitioned data to s3.
- the entire solution can be run locally with no need to connect to any third party vendors.
- Run command
docker compose up -d
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080/topics
- click the
topic and in the actions menu publish a message (you can copy a line of json from mock data.json file) - Open http://localhost:9001/login and use
as username and password - You should see the fred-pcf folder where the data is sotred partitioned by incoming date in the format
format - each new message will automatically be stored to s3 , you can test with a few more publish message events.