LMU Munich / Exellence Cluster ORIGINS
- Germany
geant4 Public
Forked from Geant4/geant4Geant4 toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter - NIM A 506 (2003) 250-303
C++ Other UpdatedApr 29, 2021 -
root Public
Forked from root-project/rootThe official ROOT repository
C++ Other UpdatedAug 10, 2020 -
evtpdl_diff Public
Simple tool to create a visual diff between two EvtGen particle database files.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
merge2gcal Public
Forked from HSF/merge2gcalMerge Indico agenda information to Google calendar
Python UpdatedJul 2, 2020 -
luigi Public
Forked from spotify/luigiLuigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 9, 2019 -
python-introduction Public
Forked from graeme-a-stewart/python-introductionBasic Python Introduction
davix Public
Forked from cern-fts/davixHigh-performance file management over WebDAV / HTTP
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedOct 23, 2018 -
NeurobayesCppInterface Public
Forked from thomaskeck/NeurobayesCppInterfaceInterface to NeuroBayes(R) for academic purpose
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2018 -
sphinx-argparse Public
Forked from alex-rudakov/sphinx-argparseSphinx extension that automatically document argparse commands and options
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2017 -
rep Public
Forked from yandex/repMachine Learning toolbox for Humans
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedNov 10, 2016 -
rave Public
Forked from rave-package/raveReconstruction of Vertices in an Abstract Environment
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedApr 26, 2016 -
OpenMPIFitter Public
PDF evaluation, fitting and MC for my physics analysis