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Perf test dashboard setup (#212)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Adding perf test component
* Adding bicep templates for creating perf test dashboard
* Adding authentication for prometheus pushgateway
* Adding dapr perf test azure resources bicep
* perf-test resoruce creation
* Update deploy/aks/monitoring/perf/


Signed-off-by: MD Ashique <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tiago Alves Macambira <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
ASHIQUEMD and tmacam authored Nov 9, 2023
1 parent 679cfc0 commit 16fed7c
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Showing 4 changed files with 259 additions and 0 deletions.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions deploy/aks/monitoring/perf/
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## Performance Test Dashboard Setup

This document serves as a guideline for setting up a performance test dashboard using Azure managed Prometheus and Grafana. We will be creating an AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) cluster and installing Prometheus Pushgateway and Azure Monitoring Agent (AMA) to scrape performance test metrics and push them to Azure managed Prometheus. Additionally, we will set up an ingress controller with authentication to act as a proxy for Prometheus Pushgateway. Finally, we will create a Grafana dashboard by importing a predefined JSON model.

Below are step-by-step instructions to set up a performance test dashboard using Azure managed Prometheus and Grafana. Follow these steps to configure your performance monitoring environment.

#### Step 1: Clone the test-infra repo

git clone
cd deploy/aks/monitoring/perf

#### Step 2: Login to Azure and set your subscription

az login
az account set --subscription "${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"

### Step 3: Set resource group name, location, cluster name and use the same namespace (dapr-perf-metrics)

DAPR_PERF_RG=<resource group to be used>
DAPR_PERF_LOCATION=<insert region>
CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster name>

#### Step 4: Create Resource Group
az group create --name $DAPR_PERF_RG --location $DAPR_PERF_LOCATION

#### Step 5: Execute main.bicep and provide AKS cluster name on prompt

az deployment group create --resource-group $DAPR_PERF_RG --template-file main.bicep --parameters clusterName="${CLUSTER_NAME}"

#### Step 6: Merge Newly Created Cluster Username and Password

az aks get-credentials --resource-group $DAPR_PERF_RG --name "${CLUSTER_NAME}"

#### Step 7: Switch AKS Cluster Context

kubectl config use-context "${CLUSTER_NAME}"

#### Step 8: Install Prometheus Pushgateway

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
prometheus-pushgateway prometheus-community/prometheus-pushgateway \

#### Step 9: Install Ingress Controller.

Follow this [link]( for more details on setting up nginx ingress controller.

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update

helm upgrade --install \
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz

#### Step 10: Create Username and Password for Authentication

To create a basic authentication [username and password](, use the following command, which will create an auth file and prompt you to provide a username and password.

htpasswd -c auth <user name for prometheus pushgateway>

#### Step 11: Create a Secret in Kubernetes

kubectl create secret generic basic-auth --from-file=auth -n dapr-perf-metrics

#### Step 12: Create Ingress for Prometheus Pushgateway

kubectl apply -f ./prometheus-pushgateway-ingress.yaml

#### Step 13: Create a Config Map for Service Discovery for AMA Agent

kubectl apply -f ./prometheus-pushgateway-configmap.yaml

#### Step 14: Add user to grafana

- Go to grafana resource in Azure portal
- Select Access control (IAM) on left menu
- Click on Add role assignment
- Select suitable role for the user, and click Next
- In the Member tab, click on `+ Select Member` and type their email in search box
- Select user and click on `Review + assign`

#### Step 15: Create Grafana Dashboard

Grab the granfa link from azure portal and create a Grafana dashboard by importing the [JSON model]( Ensure to update all [`uid` of `datasource`]( objects present in the JSON file to match your configuration.
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions deploy/aks/monitoring/perf/main.bicep
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// Global parameters

@description('Name of the cluster')
param clusterName string

@description('Short, up to 3 letters prefix to help identify cluster resources. Lowercase and numbers only')
param shortClusterPrefixId string = 'pt'

@description('The unique discriminator of the solution. This is used to ensure that resource names are unique.')
param solutionName string = toLower('${shortClusterPrefixId}${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}')

// Per cluster resources
param identityName string = '${solutionName}-identity'
param grafanaName string = '${solutionName}-grafana'
param amwName string = '${solutionName}-amw'
param logAnalyticsName string = '${solutionName}-la'

// Safe defaults
param agentVMSize string = 'standard_d2s_v5'
param location string = resourceGroup().location
param kubernetesNamespace string = 'dapr-perf-metrics'
@description('ObjectID for an user in AAD you want to grant grafana admin rights. Default is to not provide anything: not grant this permission any individual')
param userGrafanaAdminObjectId string = ''

// Identity - Not a module so we can reference the resource below.
resource managedIdentity 'Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities@2023-01-31' = {
name: identityName
location: location

// Cluster infrastructure

// AKS Cluster - Not a module so we can reference the resource below.
resource aks 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2023-03-01' = {
name: clusterName
location: location
identity: {
type: 'UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities: {
'${}': {}
properties: {
dnsPrefix: '${clusterName}-dns'
agentPoolProfiles: [
name: 'agentpool'
count: 3
vmSize: agentVMSize
osType: 'Linux'
mode: 'System'
azureMonitorProfile: {
metrics: {
enabled: true
kubeStateMetrics: {
metricLabelsAllowlist: '*'

// Apply the k8s namespace - applications live here
module daprPerfNamespace '../../services/namespace.bicep' = {
name: '${clusterName}--namespace'
params: {
kubeConfig: aks.listClusterAdminCredential().kubeconfigs[0].value
kubernetesNamespace: kubernetesNamespace

module monitoring '../monitoring.bicep' = {
name: '${clusterName}--monitoring'
params: {
location: location
clusterName: clusterName
dceName: '${clusterName}-dce'
dcrName: '${clusterName}-dcr'
grafanaName: grafanaName
workspaceAzureMonitorName: amwName
workspaceLogAnalyticsName: logAnalyticsName
userGrafanaAdminObjectId: userGrafanaAdminObjectId
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions deploy/aks/monitoring/perf/prometheus-pushgateway-configmap.yaml
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kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
prometheus-config: |-
scrape_interval: 300s
- job_name: pushgateway
scheme: http
metrics_path: /metrics
- targets: ['prometheus-pushgateway.dapr-perf-metrics.svc.cluster.local:9091']
name: ama-metrics-prometheus-config
namespace: kube-system
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions deploy/aks/monitoring/perf/prometheus-pushgateway-ingress.yaml
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kind: Ingress
name: prometheus-pushgateway-ingress
namespace: dapr-perf-metrics
# type of authentication basic
# name of the secret that contains the user/password definitions basic-auth
# message to display with an appropriate context why the authentication is required 'Authentication Required to push metrics to prometheus-pushgateway'
ingressClassName: nginx
- http:
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
name: prometheus-pushgateway
number: 9091

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