A script to take the IANA registry of DNSSEC algorithms and make it available as JSON.
The IANA registry of DNSSEC algorithm numbers is available at:
However, the actual table of DNSSEC algorithm numbers is not easily available in a form that developers can easily check, such as a JSON interface.
The IANA table is available as a CSV file:
This script will convert that CSV into JSON.
Fields in the IANA table are:
['Number', 'Description', 'Mnemonic', 'ZoneSigning', 'Trans.Sec.', 'Reference']
This script creates a JSON object that is a list of dictionary objects. It only outputs the following fields:
['Number', 'Description', 'Mnemonic']
As of 18 July 2015, the output of the script is as follows:
"Description": "RSA/MD5 (deprecated, see 5)",
"Mnemonic": "RSAMD5",
"Number": "1"
"Description": "Diffie-Hellman",
"Mnemonic": "DH",
"Number": "2"
"Description": "DSA/SHA1",
"Mnemonic": "DSA",
"Number": "3"
"Description": "RSA/SHA-1",
"Mnemonic": "RSASHA1",
"Number": "5"
"Description": "DSA-NSEC3-SHA1",
"Mnemonic": "DSA-NSEC3-SHA1",
"Number": "6"
"Description": "RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1",
"Mnemonic": "RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1",
"Number": "7"
"Description": "RSA/SHA-256",
"Mnemonic": "RSASHA256",
"Number": "8"
"Description": "RSA/SHA-512",
"Mnemonic": "RSASHA512",
"Number": "10"
"Description": "GOST R 34.10-2001",
"Mnemonic": "ECC-GOST",
"Number": "12"
"Description": "ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256",
"Mnemonic": "ECDSAP256SHA256",
"Number": "13"
"Description": "ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384",
"Mnemonic": "ECDSAP384SHA384",
"Number": "14"
"Description": "Reserved for Indirect Keys",
"Mnemonic": "INDIRECT",
"Number": "252"
"Description": "private algorithm",
"Mnemonic": "PRIVATEDNS",
"Number": "253"
"Description": "private algorithm OID",
"Mnemonic": "PRIVATEOID",
"Number": "254"