Welcome to the Aerospike Database Server source code tree!
Aerospike is a distributed, scalable NoSQL database. It is architected with three key objectives:
- To create a high-performance, scalable platform that would meet the needs of today’s web-scale applications
- To provide the robustness and reliability (ie, ACID) expected from traditional databases.
- To provide operational efficiency (minimal manual involvement)
For more information on Aerospike, please visit: http://aerospike.com
The Aerospike Database Server can be built and deployed on various current 64-bit GNU/Linux platform versions, such as the Red Hat family (e.g., CentOS 6 or later), Debian 6 or later, and Ubuntu 10.04 or later.
The majority of the Aerospike source code is written in the C
programming language, conforming to the ANSI C99 standard. Building
Aerospike requires the GCC 4.1 or later toolchain, with the standard
GNU/Linux development tools and libraries installed in the build
environment, including autoconf
and libtool
. In particular, the
following libraries are needed:
OpenSSL 0.9.8b or later is required for cryptographic hash functions (RIPEMD-160 & SHA-1) and pseudo-random number generation.
The CentOS 6 OpenSSL packages to install are:
. -
The Debian 6/7 and Ubuntu 10/12/14 OpenSSL packages to install are:
The Lua 5.1 language is required for User Defined Function (UDF) support.
The CentOS 6 Lua packages to install are:
, andlua-static
. -
The Debian 6/7 and Ubuntu 10/12/14 Lua packages to install are:
The Aerospike Database Server build depends upon 7 submodules:
Submodule | Description |
asmalloc | The ASMalloc Memory Allocation Tracking Tool |
common | The Aerospike Common Library |
jansson | C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data |
jemalloc | The JEMalloc Memory Allocator |
lua-core | The Aerospike Core Lua Source Files |
luajit | The LuaJIT (Just-In-Time-Compiler for Lua) |
mod-lua | The Aerospike Lua Interface |
After the initial cloning of the aerospike-server
repo., the
submodules must be fetched for the first time using the following
$ git submodule update --init
Note: As this project uses submodules, the source archive downloadable
via GitHub's Download ZIP
button will not build unless the correct
revision of each submodule is first manually installed in the appropriate
$ make -- Perform the default build (no packaging.)
$ make deb -- Build the Debian (Ubuntu) package.
$ make rpm -- Build the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) package.
$ make tar -- Build the "Every Linux" compressed "tar" archive (".tgz") package.
$ make source -- Package the source code as a compressed "tar" archive.
$ make clean -- Delete any existing build products, excluding built packages.
$ make cleanpkg -- Delete built packages.
$ make cleanall -- Delete all existing build products, including built packages.
$ make cleangit -- Delete all files untracked by Git. (Use with caution!)
$ make strip -- Build "strip(1)"ed versions of the server executables.
$ make asm -- Build the server with ASMalloc support.
$ make {<Target>}* {<VARIABLE>=<VALUE>}* -- Build <Target>(s) with optional variable overrides.
$ make USE_JEM=0 -- Default build *without* JEMalloc support.
Sample Aerospike configuration files are provided in as/etc
. The
developer configuration file, aerospike_dev.conf
, contains basic
settings that should work out-of-the-box on most systems. The package
example configuration files, aerospike.conf
, and the Solid State Drive
(SSD) version, aerospike_ssd.conf
, are suitable for running Aerospike
as a system daemon.
These sample files may be modified for specific use cases (e.g., setting network addresses, defining namespaces, and setting storage engine properties) and tuned for for maximum performance on a particular system. Also, system resource limits may need to be increased to allow, e.g., a greater number of concurrent connections to the database. See "man limits.conf" for how to change the system's limit on a process' number of open file descriptors ("nofile".)
There are several options for running the Aerospike database. Which option to use depends upon whether the primary purpose is production deployment or software development.
The preferred method for running Aerospike in a production environment
is to build and install the Aerospike package appropriate for the target
Linux distribution (i.e., an ".rpm"
, ".deb"
, or ".tgz"
file), and
then to control the state of the Aerospike daemon via the daemon init
script commands, e.g., service aerospike start
A convenient way to run Aerospike in a development environment is to use
the following commands from within the top-level directory of the source
code tree (aerospike-server
To create and initialize the run
directory with the files needed for
running Aerospike, use:
$ make init
or, equivalently:
$ mkdir -p run/{log,work/{smd,{sys,usr}/udf/lua}}
$ cp -pr modules/lua-core/src/* run/work/sys/udf/lua
To launch the server with as/etc/aerospike_dev.conf
as the config:
$ make start
or, equivalently:
$ target/Linux-x86_64/bin/asd --config-file as/etc/aerospike_dev.conf
To halt the server:
$ make stop
or, equivalently:
$ kill `cat run/asd.pid` ; rm run/asd.pid
Please refer to the full documentation on the Aerospike web site,
, for more detailed information about configuring
and running the Aerospike Database Server, as well as the about the
Aerospike client API packages for popular programming languages.