wip for QuarkNet's Cosmic Ray Muon Detector data processing
- Install Cygwin, XLaunch, and Octave on computer.
- Get three files: extractDAQ.c, extractDAQ.sh, and ShowerXX.txt
- Using Cygwin, navigate to data folder.
- Run the command "./extractDAQ.sh [folder/filename]",
- The new file [filename].dmp is now created in the folder as determined.
- In Cygwin, navigate to the correct folder.
- Run command "bash Moment.sh [filename.txt]"
- The file [filename].mgm should now be created.
- Run Octave as before.
- Concatanate all .mgm files that you want to process together. You can use cat [file1].mgm [file2].mgm [file3].mgm [filen].mgm > [allFiles].mgm
- In file plotmoment.m, change the parameter DAQfileList to [allFiles].mgm.
- Run command "run("plotmoment.m")