resources I need a place to keep resources I find online. This shall be that place. UX UX Checklist How To Perfect Your UX with Persona Scenarios HTML, CSS, JS This is a mixed bag of resources where all three topics are discussed. Cody House Codrops CSS CSS Reference by Codrops CSS Animation Rocks CSS Frameworks Schema UI Framework Bootstrap Zurb's Foundation MUI Framework (Inspired by Material Design) Preproccessors Sass Less Stylus CSS-Crush Myth Rework Sass Sass Documentation Sass Guidelines Sass Compatibility Less Less Documentation Frameworks Compass (sass) Bourbon (sass) Prototyping Tools Axure Avocode Origami Pixate Javascript Javascript Closures Explained Gulp Gulp Repo Learning Gulp video series How To: Basic Tasks in Gulp.js Compile Sass to CSS with Ruby Sass Gzip plugin for Gulp Pipe CSS through PostCSS processors with a single parse(Autoprefixer) UI Patterns Use Right UI Patterns — UX Pin Material Design Material Design Blog Wireframing iPhone Mockup Illustrations Illustrio iOS Mockup Resources Launchkit