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sparkica edited this page Jan 8, 2013 · 7 revisions

The protocol OpenRefine instances use to communicate with a Broker.

NOTE: this is still work in progress and not currently implemented in OpenRefine.


OpenRefine instances communicate with a Broker in order to guarantee modification consistency and a linear modification history when multiple people are collaborating over the same dataset.

This page describes the protocol used by OpenRefine instances to communicate with a coordinating broker.

Protocol Design

One of the key functionalities of OpenRefine is the ability to record all activity as a linear list of transformations. Not only this makes it natural to 'undo' and 'redo' such operations, but it allows users to 'record' such streams of operations and replay them against a similar dataset later.

Any coordination system that allows multiple OpenRefine to operate on the same dataset concurrently needs obviously to make the content eventually consistent, but also to maintain the history linear and each operation performed by each operator undoable.

Popular collaboration coordination systems such as version control systems (subversion, git, mercurial) or operational transformation systems (subethaedit, etherpad, google wave, google docs), make it possible to make the grid content eventually consistent, but fail to provide a way to guarantee that the history of operation is always linear and all operations are undoable. For version control systems, this is because branching and merging destroys the linearity of the history. For operational transformation systems, this is because while state is eventually consistent across all peers, the outcome is uncertain as it strongly depends on the timing of the input events. This fact is not a problem for text where single characters are the state transitions, but it becomes problematic in OpenRefine since operations can modify multiple cells at ones and may alter cause-effect perception enough to puzzle the user and give off a sense of fragility in the coordination.

To solve both the grid consistency and the history linearity, the OpenRefine brokering protocol borrows and improves on the idea of a 'token ring': a OpenRefine instance needs to obtain a lock on a given part of the grid that it wants to modify because it can be allowed to do so.

Overall Description

The OpenRefine brokering protocol is composed of a set of HTTP web services that return a JSON payload.

Lock Management

The OpenRefine Broker knows of three types of locks:

  • 0 (aka ALL) is the lock that is needed to perform an operation that changes the entire project. For example, an ALL lock is required to start a new project, or to add/remove a column from an existing project.
  • 1 (aka COL) is the lock needed to perform an operation on a given column. Note that a lock only works on the column it was linked to when created and can't be used to write on another. Also, while a user owns a lock on one column, it is possible for another user to obtain a lock on another. Since transformations operating on different columns are guaranteed to result in identical results no matter their order, there is no need for ALL synchronization when column isolation can be achieved.
  • 2 (aka CELL) is the lock needed to perform an operation on a given cell. Like the COL lock above, multiple users can obtain multiple CELL locks against different cells. It is worth noting that a user can't obtain a lock on a column if another user has a lock on a CELL in that column.

There are two web services that interact with the lock system:

  • POST obtain_lock(project_id, lock_type, lock_value) -> lock_id
  • POST release_lock(project_id, lock_id)

Project Management

A 'project' in OpenRefine is a dataset and a linear set of transformations that were applied to it. To minimize storage requirements, network transmission and coordination latency, brokers only stores the initial dataset and the transformation descriptions. The state of the data is then regenerated by each OpenRefine independently.

In order to create a new project, the 'start' web service is called

  • POST start(project_id, lock_id, data, metadata, transformations)

Note how a user needs to obtain an ALL lock on the given project before it can successfully call this service (yes, it's possible to obtain a lock on a project that doesn't yet exist).

In order to modify a project, a OpenRefine instance needs to call the 'transform' web service

  • POST transform(project_id, lock_id, transformations)

where transformation is a JSON serialization of an array of objects that describe the transformations. Note that each transformation object is described like this

    "op_type" : <number>,
    "op_value" : <string>,
    "value" : {

where "op_type" indicates the type of lock required to perform such operation, "op_value" indicates the value of the lock and 'value' is the actual JSON object that describes the operation.

In order to obtain an existing project, a OpenRefine instance uses the 'open' web service

  • GET open(project_id) -> project_info

And in order to obtain the status of the project and whether it has changed, OpenRefine instances can poll the broker using the 'get_state' service

  • GET getState(project_id, revision) -> project_state

where 'revision' is the size of the transformation history in the querying OpenRefine instance. The broker will return a list of the existing locks on the project and their respective owners and a list of transformations that were applied to the project since this instance last obtained the project state.

User Authentication and Authorization

In order to perform authentication and authorization of the OpenRefine user, the OpenRefine clients will use 'delegated oauth' against the broker.

In the 'delegated oauth' model, a OpenRefine client will sign a request against Freebase's "user_info" web service and transmit the signed request along the web service payload. The broker will replay the user_info request against the Freebase web service and obtain information about the user OpenRefine is operating for.

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