Baremetal programing tutorial for Rasperry Pi Zero W Baremetal Application is an application that run without an operating system. The code directly run on startup. In this tutorial we will run a C application to blink Action LED on Raspberry Pi Zero W. The setup use python application to upload binary application on raspberry pi.
use following command to setup toolchain
sudo apt install -f ./gdb-arm-none-eabi_9.2-0ubuntu1_20.04+10-107e_amd64.deb
arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
Install python3-pip:
sudo apt install python3-pip
Install the pyserial and xmodem packages:
python3 -m pip install pyserial xmodem
This directory contain the bootloader for Raspberry Pi Zero W. Copy entire content to an SD Card and insert it into RPI 0.
This directory contain a minimal file strucutre of a C application that can be cross compiled for RPI 0. The make file build a .bin file that can be uploaded to raspberry pi using the bootloader and python application on host.
Host application to upload bin file on RPI 0. This is a modified version of Stanford CS107E course application.
This contain a deb package that can be installed to compiled C application for RPI 0.
The default USB port is /dev/ttyUSB0 in change it according to your setup in file. In order to make to terminal executable follow:
- At the unix command prompt, type the following to make executable: $ chmod +x
- Move into your bin directory, and it will be runnable from anywhere.