Elasticsearch master node with optional ec2 discovery. Elasticsearch indices are rotated every two weeks and logs every week.
The following environment variables can be used to configure the container:
ES_CLUSTER_NAME The name of the elasticsearch cluster, default is "elasticsearch".
ES_DISCOVERY The type of discovery to use with elasticsearch, if not set will use multicast. Setting to "ec2"
will enable ec2 discovery using ES_CLUSTER_NAME in ES_AWS_REGION.
ES_AWS_REGION The aws region to be used for discovery, default is "us-east-1".
ES_AWS_GROUP The name or the id of the security group that is used for discovery. Optional.
ES_AWS_ACCESS_KEY The aws access key to be used for discovery. Not required if
the instance profile has ec2 DescribeInstance permissions.
ES_AWS_SECRET_KEY The aws secret key to be used for discovery. Not required if
the instance profile has ec2 DescribeInstance permissions.
To build:
docker build -t balsamiq/docker-elasticsearch .
To run locally:
docker balsamiq/docker-elasticsearch
To run on ec2:
docker -e ES_DISCOVERY=ec2 balsamiq/docker-elasticsearch