Commonly used utilities for Typescript/Javascript projects.
npm install @danielszuk/utilities
Always import only the used functions from the package.
import { degreeToRadian, randomBoolean, forEach } from '@danielszuk/utilities'
// 0.785398
// true OR false
forEach([1,2,3], (number) => console.log(number));
// 1
// 2
// 3
const { degreeToRadian, randomBoolean, forEach } = require('@danielszuk/random-boolean');
// 0.785398
// true OR false
forEach([1,2,3], (number) => console.log(number));
// 1
// 2
// 3
For detailed description, check the definition of the imported function (either by your IDE, or from the source code).
For detailed examples, check the corresponding name.spec.ts file in the __tests__/ folder
Name | Short Description | Example |
forEach | Executes a provided function once for each array element (breakable) | forEach([1,2,3], (element) => {if (element === 2) return false; } |
forEachSync | Executes a provided async function synchronously once for each array element (breakable) | await forEachSync([1,2,3], async (element) => { await asyncFn(element); if (element === 2) return false; } |
forEachAsync | Executes a provided async function asynchronously once for each array element (awaitable) | await forEachAsync([1,2,3], async (element) => { await asyncFn(element); } |
clone | Creates a new object from the given one with the exact same values, but without the reference. | const obj2 = clone(obj1) |
deepAssign | Assign an object's values into a target object, value by value deeply. | deepAssign({ a: 1, b: { ba: 21, bb: 22 } }, { b: { ba: 42 } }) // { a: 1, b: { ba: 42, bb: 22 } } |
getSafe | Executes a getter and returns with the value. If the execution runs on error, returns with undefined. | getSafe(() => result.attribute.value) |
isEmpty | Determines whether an object is empty or not. | isEmpty({}) // true |
isEquivalent | Determines whether two objects are equivalent (means all their properties values are the same). | isEquivalent({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }) // true |
removeElements | Removes elements from an array. Modify the original array. | removeElements([ 1, 2, 3 ], 2, 3) // [ 1 ] |
circulateArray | Circulates over the elements of an array. | const next = circulateArray([12, 21, 39]); next(); next(); next(); next(); // 12 21 39 12 |
degreeToRadian | Converts an angle in degree to radian. | degreeToRadian(30) // 0.5235987755982988 |
htmlToText | Removes all html markup from a string. | htmlToText(`<b>Name</b>`) // 'Name' |
randomBoolean | Generates a random boolean value. | randomBoolean() // true OR false |
round | Rounds a number to a given decimal place. | round(1.237, 2) // 1.24 |
timeout | Delay the execution for a specified number of milliseconds. | await timeout(1000) |
as | Strict type checking a single value. | as<IExample>({ a: 1, b: 2 }) |
DeepPartial | Makes all attributes optional and all its nested object's attributes optional as well. | const toModify: DeepPartial<IExample> |