Python utility to sync two postgresql databases
pip install pypgsync
Given two databases, pypgsync can determine which records differ. In the primarykey
use case,
records are identified by their primary key.
import psycopg
from pypgsync.mode.primarykey import delta_by_primary_key, apply_delta_by_primary_key
con_source = psycopg.connect(host="host_source", dbname="db_source", user="user_source",
con_destination = psycopg.connect(host="host_destination", dbname="db_destination",
user="user_destination", password="secret_destination")
cur_source = con_source.cursor()
cur_destination = con_destination.cursor()
delta = delta_by_primary_key(cur_source=cur_source, cur_destination=cur_destination,
table_name="products", primary_key="id",
columns=["name", "count", "price"], pk_values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],)
provides an overview of the differences between the two database tables, in terms of which
database operations (delete
, insert
, update
) have to be applied to the destination database
in order to match the source database. The primary key identifies the rows that have to be modified.
"table_name": "products",
"primary_key": "id",
"intersection": set([1, 2]),
"delete": set([3, ]),
"insert": [{"id": 5, "name": "bread", "count": 5, "price": 3.2}],
"update": [{"id": 2, "count": 20}, ]
can then be used to apply the necessary changes to the destination database.
from pypgsync.mode.primarykey import apply_delta_by_primary_key
apply_delta_by_primary_key(con_destination, delta)
After which the two database tables are identical within the column and primary key range specified.
To accomplish the sync in one step, use the sync_by_primary_key
from pypgsync.mode.primarykey import sync_by_primary_key
sync_by_primary_key(cur_source, con_destination, table_name="products", primary_key="id")