espcap is a program that uses pyshark to capture packets from a pcap file or live from a network interface and index them with Elasticsearch. Since espcap uses pyshark - which provides a wrapper API to tshark - it can use wireshark dissectors to parse any protocol.
- tshark (included in Wireshark)
- pyshark
- Elasticsearch client for Python
It is highly recommended, although not required, that you use the Anaconda Python distribution by Continuum Analytics for espcap. This distribution contains Python 2.7.10 and bundles a rich set of programming packages for analytics and machine learning. You can download Anaconda Python here:
- Install Wireshark for your OS.
- Install pyshark and the Elasticsearch client for Python with pip:
pip install pyshark pip install elasticsearch
- Create the packet index template by running scripts/ as follows
specifying the node IP address and TCP port (usually 9200) of your Elasticsearch
cluster. If your node IP address is the commands would look like this:
- Set the tshark_path variable in the pyshark/config.ini file.
- Run as follows to index some packet data in Elasticsearch --dir=test_pcaps --node=
- Run the as follows to check that the packet data resides in your
Elasticsearch cluster:
You run as root. If you supply the --help flags on the command line you'll get the information on the most useful ways to run [--dir=pcap_directory] [--node=elasticsearch_host] [--chunk=chunk_size] [--trace] [--file=pcap_file] [--node=elasticsearch_host] [--chunk=chunk_size] [--trace] [--nic=interface] [--node=elasticsearch_host] [--bpf=packet_filter_string] [--chunk=chunk_size] [--count=max_packets] [--trace] [--help] [--list-interfaces] Example command line option combinations: --d=/home/pcap_direcory --node=localhost:9200 --file=./pcap_file --node=localhost:9200 --chunk=1000 --nic=eth0 --node=localhost:9200 --bpf="tcp port 80" --chunk=2000 --nic=en0 --node=localhost:9200 --bpf="udp port 53" --count=500
Note that each of these modes is mutually exclusive. If you try to run in more than one mode you'll get an error message.
You can try in file mode using the pcap files contained in test_pcaps. To do that run as follows (assuming you want to just dump the packets to stdout): --dir=./test_pcaps
When running in live capture mode you can set a maximum packet count after which the capture will stop or you can just hit ctrl-c to stop a continuous capture session.
espcap uses Elasticsearch bulk insertion of packets. The --chunk enables you to set how many packets are sent Elasticsearch for each insertion. The default is chunk size is 100, but higher values (1000 - 2000) are usually better. If you get transport I/O exceptions due to network latency or an Elasticsearch backend that is not optimally configured, stick with the default chunk size.
If you want to get more information when exceptions are raised you can supply the --trace flag for either file or live capture modes.
When indexing packet captures into Elasticsearch, an new index is created for each day. The index naming format is packets-yyyy-mm-dd. The date is UTC derived from the packet sniff timestamp obtained from pyshark either for live captures or the sniff timestamp read from pcap files. Each index has two types, one for live capture pcap_live and file capture pcap_file. Both types are dynamically mapped by Elasticsearch with exception of the date fields for either pcap_file or pcap_live types which are mapped as Elasticsearch date fields if you run the script before indexing an packet data.
Index IDs are automatically assigned by Elasticsearch
file_name Name of the pcap file from whence the packets were read file_date_utc Creation date UTC when the pcap file was created sniff_date_utc Date UTC when the packet was read off the wire sniff_timestamp Time in milliseconds after the Epoch whne the packet was read protocol The highest level protocol layers Dictionary containing the packet contents
The pcap_live type is comprised of the same fields except the file_name and file_date_utc fields.
Packet layers are mapped in four basic sections based in protocol type within each index:
- Link - link to the physical network media, usually Ethernet (eth).
- Network - network routing layer which is always IP (ip).
- Transport - transport layer which is either TCP (tcp) or UDP (udp).
- Application - high level Internet protocol such as HTTP (http), DNS (dns), etc.
Below is an example of an HTTP packet as indexed in Elasticsearch.
{ "_index": "packets-2015-07-30", "_type": "pcap_file", "_id": "AVAaipoMtaVU9i_NA682", "_score": null, "_source": { "layers": { "xml": { "xmlpi_encoding": "UTF-8", "attribute": "nonce=\"a234fb85622b87cd9c8626e57250ece56310f2de\"", "envelope": "http", "tag": "", "cdata": "A new version with bug fix is available! Click to update.", "xmlpi_xml": "", "xmlpi_version": "1.0" }, "ip": { "checksum_bad": "0", "checksum_good": "0", "ttl": "41", "id": "52361", "dsfield": "32", "addr": "", "proto": "6", "flags_rb": "0", "dst": "", "version": "4", "flags_mf": "0", "dsfield_dscp": "8", "hdr_len": "20", "len": "1020", "dsfield_ecn": "0", "host": "", "frag_offset": "0", "src": "", "checksum": "24251", "flags_df": "1", "dst_host": "", "flags": "2", "src_host": "" }, "eth": { "dst_resolved": "60:f8:1d:cb:43:84", "lg": "0", "addr": "60:f8:1d:cb:43:84", "src": "58:23:8c:b4:42:56", "addr_resolved": "60:f8:1d:cb:43:84", "dst": "60:f8:1d:cb:43:84", "type": "2048", "src_resolved": "58:23:8c:b4:42:56", "ig": "0" }, "http": { "content_length": "637", "_ws_expert": "Expert Info (Chat/Sequence): HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\n", "cache_control": "no-store, max-age=0", "response_code": "200", "time": "0.196748000", "server": "Apache", "response_phrase": "OK", "connection": "close", "response_line": "Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 05:22:11 GMT\\xd\\xa", "request_version": "HTTP/1.1", "content_encoding": "gzip", "chat": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\n", "content_length_header": "637", "date": "Thu, 30 Jul 2015 05:22:11 GMT", "_ws_expert_group": "33554432", "response": "1", "content_type": "application/xml", "request_in": "62", "_ws_expert_message": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\n", "_ws_expert_severity": "2097152" }, "tcp": { "flags_cwr": "0", "checksum_bad": "0", "seq": "1", "flags_ecn": "0", "options_type_class": "0", "flags_syn": "0", "checksum_good": "0", "flags_reset": "0", "window_size_value": "57", "options_type_copy": "0", "analysis_initial_rtt": "0.197580000", "window_size": "7296", "stream": "3", "option_len": "10", "flags_urg": "0", "port": "80", "options_timestamp_tsecr": "387046361", "window_size_scalefactor": "128", "dstport": "59807", "hdr_len": "32", "options_type_number": "1", "len": "968", "flags_res": "0", "urgent_pointer": "0", "analysis_bytes_in_flight": "968", "flags_push": "1", "flags_ns": "0", "flags_ack": "1", "option_kind": "8", "ack": "707", "checksum": "41766", "flags_fin": "0", "srcport": "80", "analysis": "SEQ/ACK analysis", "flags": "24", "options_timestamp_tsval": "551709239", "nxtseq": "969", "options": "01:01:08:0a:20:e2:6a:37:17:11:db:d9", "options_type": "1" } }, "protocol": "http", "sniff_timestamp": 1438233732.662099, "file_name": "../test_pcaps/test_http.pcap", "sniff_date_utc": "2015-07-30 05:22:12", "file_date_utc": "2015-09-23 01:41:26" } }
The convention for accessing protocol fields in the JSON layers structure is:
Here are some examples of how to reference specific layer fields taken from the packet JSON shown above:
layers.ip.src Sender IP address layers.ip.dst Receiver IP address layers.tcp.srcport Sender TCP port layers.udp.dstport Receiver UDP port HTTP response
Note that some layer protocols span two sections. In the above example, the HTTP layer has an xml section associated with it. Extra sections like these can be associated with their protocol sections by checking the envelope field contents.
Technically epscap recognizes all the protocols supported by wireshark/tshark. However, the wireshark dissector set includes some strange protocols that are not really Internet protocols in the strictest sense, but are rather parts of other protocols. One example is media which is actually used to label an additional layer for the http protocol among other things. espcap uses the protocols.list to help determine the application level protocol in any given packet. This file is derived from tshark by running the script in the conf directory. To ensure that espcap has only true Internet protocols to choose from, the entries in protocols.list that are not truly Internet protocols have been commented out. Currently the commented out protocols include the following: _ws.lua _ws.malformed _ws.number_string.decoding_error _ws.short _we.type_length _ws.unreassembled data data-l1-events data-text-lines image-gif image-jfif media null png xml zip
If there are any other protocols you believe should not be considered, then you can comment them out in this fashion.
On the other hand If you get a little too frisky and comment out too many protocols or you just want to generate a fresh list, you can run the script in the following manner:
- cd to the conf/ directory
- Run the script which produces a clean protocol list in protocols.txt.
- Comment out the protocols in the list above and others you don't want to consider.
- Replace the contents of protocols.list with the contents of protocols.txt.
- File capture mode sometime gets this error when dumping packets to stdout:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add_reader'.
- When uploading packet data through the Nginx proxy you may get a 413 Request Entity Too Large error. This is caused by sending too many packets at each Elasticsearch bulk load call. You can either set the chunk size with the --chunk or increase the request entity size that Nginx will accept or both. To set a larger Nginx request entity limit add this line to the http or server or location sections of your Nginx configuration file:
client_max_body_size 2M;
Set the value to your desired maximum entity (body) size then restart Nginx with this command:/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload