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Releases: daniel071/Youtube_Downloader

Minor update

03 Feb 08:59
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This is a minor update fixing some bugs


  • Added requirements.txt to fix pip dependency installation
  • Fixed dependency issues where youtube_dl and mutagen would not be properly installed
  • Added script that starts program for Linux and other Unix-based operating systems
  • Revamped

Planned for next release

  • Add support for both mp4 and mp3 files (Video and music)
  • Redesign the GUI to look nicer
  • Improve packaging of software

How to install:

  1. Download the .zip file from this release
  2. Follow the instructions on how to install on your operating system here:

First Public Release

13 Nov 11:15
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This is the first release of the program, a changelog will be added to future releases.

How to install:

As shown in

Youtube Downloader uses a virtual environment so all the packages come pre-installed,
the following steps are:

  1. Go to releases and download the latest version of Youtube Downloader
    Found here:

  2. Extract the zipped folder

  3. Open up the BAT file named 'StartGUI.bat' to start the GUI interface for this program. If you only want command-line, you can open 'StartProgram.bat'

  4. Input the URL link to the youtube video, any metadata for it and where you'd like to save it (The program will create a file inside the directory you chose)

Thanks for using this program,
Contributed by Daniel Pavela