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The math library contains a collection of mathematical equations either written or collected to make my life easier.


npm install --save @danehansen/math


As a module:

import * as math from '@danehansen/math';

var r = math.random(1, 100, true);

In your browser:

<script src='danehansen-math.min.js'></script>
  var math = window.danehansen.math;
  var r = math.random(1, 100, true);


  • average(...args):Number
    Accepts either an unlimited quantity of numbers or an array of numbers and returns the total.
  • ceil(num:Number, increment:Number = 1):Number
    Rounds a number up to the nearest increment.
  • circleIntersection(centerA:Point, radiusA:Number, centerB:Point, radiusB:Number):Number
    Returns an array of the two points at which 2 circles intersect, if they intersect.
  • ease(current:Number, dest:Number, speed:Number = 0.05):Number
    Eases a number towards the destination by a factor of speed. Great for making a display object follow a mouse cursor or some other moving target.
  • easeProp(targ:Object, key:String, dest:Number, speed:Number = 0.05)
    Brings the object’s provided property (targ[key]) towards the destination by a factor of speed. Great for making a display object follow a mouse cursor or some other moving target.
  • euclid(a:int, b:int):int
    Returns the greatest common divisor of two integers.
  • floor(num:Number, increment:Number = 1):Number
    Rounds a number down to the nearest increment.
  • intLength(num:uint):uint
    Returns the number of decimals in an integer.
  • luhn(num:uint):Boolean
    Returns whether or not an integer meets the Luhn validation.
  • modulo(num:Number, limit:Number):Number
    Similar to the modulo (%) operator, but rather than mirroring at 0, it continues past 0. For example, -1%4=-1, but modulo(-1, 4)=3. Great for when you decrement a value below 0 and need the functionality to wrap, like an image gallery.
  • normalize(low:Number, high:Number, value:Number):Number
    Returns the normalized value relative to two extremes. Example: normalize(2,4,3) returns 0.5.
  • primes(limit:Number):Array
    Returns an array of all prime numbers between 0 and limit.
  • random(limitA:Number, limitB:Number = 0, round:Boolean = false, choke:int = 1):Number
    Returns a random number between limit1 and limit2. Optionally, it will be rounded. The choke... tough one to explain. It is a representation of how to make the random number favor towards the middle of the two limits. There is a difference between Math.random()*2, and Math.random()+Math.random(), and this argument builds upon that. If you covered a square with 100 points all with random x and y positions, leaving the natural factor would result in scattered points like until a section of a starry night. With natural bumped up to 2 or higher, it would look more like a shotgun blast.
  • randomBoolean():Boolean
    Returns either true or false.
  • randomDirection():int
    Returns either 1 or -1.
  • randomItem(array:, choke:int = 1):
    Returns a random item from the provided array or list.
  • round(num:Number, increment:Number):Number
    Returns a number rounded by the increment, rather than by 1.
  • shuffle(array:Number, duplicate:Boolean = false):Array
    Shuffles the provided array or list. If duplicate is set to true, the original list is left alone and the shuffled list is returned on a new array. Note: when shuffling a NodeList, always set duplicate to true as a NodeList does not shuffle well.
  • sortAscending(a:Number, b:Number):Number
    Returns the difference between the a and b, meant to pass into the Array.sort method as an alternate to the default alphabetical.
  • sortDescending(a:Number, b:Number):Number
    Returns the reversed difference between a and b, meant to pass into the Array.sort method as an alternate to the default alphabetical.
  • splitUint(num:int):Array
    Returns an array representing each digit of an integer.
  • toDegrees(radians:Number):Number
    Converts radians to degrees.
  • toDegreeDirection(radians:Number):Number
    Converts an angle in radians to a direction in degrees, between 0 and 360.
  • toRadians(degrees:Number):Number
    Converts degrees to radians.
  • toRadianDirection(degrees:Number):Number
    Converts an angle in degrees to direction radians, between 0 and Math.PI * 2.
  • total(array:*):Number
    Calculates the total in an array or list of values. Truthy values will also be totaled as 1s and falsey values as 0s.