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Solana RPC role

An Ansible role to deploy a Solana RPC node. This configures the validator software in RPC mode running under the user solana. The RPC service is installed as a user service running under this same user.

Hardware Requirements

An RPC server requires at least the same specs as a Solana validator, but typically has higher requirements. In particular, we recommend using 256 GB of RAM in order to store indexes. For more information about hardware requirements, please see

Before deploy you should prepare the host so that the directory that you use for your Accounts database and your Ledger location are properly configured. This can include setting up a tmpfs folder for accounts and a separate filesystem (ideally on an NVME drive) for the ledger. A common way to configure this might be:

/solana/tmpfs - a 100 GB tmpfs partition to hold accounts state
/solana/ledger - a 2 TB NVME drive to hold ledger

Software Requirements

  • Ansible >= 2.7 (tested primarily on Ansible 2.8)
  • Ubuntu 18.04+ on the target deployment machine

This role assumes some familiarity with the Solana validator software deployment process.

Role Variables

The deploy ensures that the checksum for the version of solana-installer that you are downloading matches one given in vars/main.yml. In case you want to insatll a solana version not listed there, it is good if you first download and check the sha256 checksum of the solana-installer script (

There are a large number of configurable parameters for Solana. Many of these have workable defaults, and you can use this role to deploy a Solana RPC node without changing any of the default values and you should be able to have a decent experience. If you run this role without specifying any parameters, it'll configure a standard mainnet RPC node.

Basic variables

These are the basic variables that configure the setup of the validators. They have default values but you probably want to customise them based on your setup.

Name Default value Description
solana_version stable The solana version to install.
solana_root /solana Main directory for solana ledger and accounts
solana_ledger_location /solana/ledger Storage for solana ledger (should be on NVME)
solana_accounts_location /solana/ledger/accounts Storage for solana accounts information. In case you use tmpfs for accounts this should be a subdirectory of your tmpfs mount point (e.g. /solana/tmpfs/accounts in case tmpfs is mounted on /solana/tmpfs
solana_keypairs [] List of keypairs to copy to the validator node. Each entry in the list should have a key and name entry. This will create /home/solana/<name>.json containing the value of key.
solana_generate_keypair true Whether or not to generate a keypair. If you haven't specified solana_keypairs and you set this to true, a new key will be generated and placed in /home/solana/identity.json
solana_public_key /home/solana/identity.json Location of the identity of the validator node.
solana_network mainnet The solana network that this node is supposed to be part of
solana_environment see defaults/main.yml Environment variables to specify for the validator node, most importantly RUST_LOG
solana_enabled_services [ solana-rpc ] List of services to start automatically on boot
solana_disabled_services [ ] List of services to set as disabled
solana_gossip_port 8001 Port for gossip traffic (needs to be open publicly in firewall)
solana_rpc_port 8899 Port for incoming RPC. This is typically only open on localhost. Place a proxy like haproxy in front of this port.
solana_rpc_bind_address Address to bind RPC on. This should typically be localhost. Place a proxy like haproxy in front of this to accept public traffic
solana_dynamic_port_range 8002-8012 Port for incoming solana traffic. Needs to be open publicly in firewall.

Network specific variables

Default values for these variables are specified in vars/{{ solana_network }}-default.yml (e.g. vars/mainnet-default.yml). You can also specify your own by providing the file {{ solana_network }}.yml. You will need to specify all these variables unless you rely on the defaults.

Name Default value Description
solana_network mainnet The solana network this node should join
solana_metrics_config see vars/mainnet-default.yml The metrics endpoint
solana_genesis_hash see vars/mainnet-default.yml The genesis hash for this network
solana_entrypoints see vars/mainnet-default.yml Entrypoint hosts
solana_trusted_validators see vars/mainnet-default.yml Trusted validators from where to fetch snapshots and genesis bin on start up
solana_expected_bank_hash see vars/mainnet-default.yml Expected bank hash
solana_expected_shred_version see vars/mainnet-default.yml Expected shred version
solana_index_exclude_keys see vars/mainnet-default.yml Keys to exclude from indexes for performance reasons

RPC specific variables

Name Default value Description
solana_rpc_faucet_address Specify an RPC faucet
solana_rpc_history true Whether to provide historical values over RPC
solana_account_index program-id spl-token-owner spl-token-mint Which indexes to enable. These greatly improve performance but slows down start up time and can increase memory requirements.

Performance variables

These are variables you can tweak to improve performance

Name Default value Description
solana_snapshot_compression Whether to compress snapshots or not. Specify none to improve performance.
solana_snapshot_interval_slots How often to take snapshots. Increase to improve performance. Suggested value is 500.
solana_pubsub_max_connections 1000 Maximum number of pubsub connections to allow.
solana_bpf_jit Whether to enable BPF JIT . Default on for devnet.
solana_banking_threads 16 Number of banking threads.
solana_rpc_threads Number of RPC threads (default maximum threads/cores on system)
solana_limit_ledger_size solana default, 250 mio Size of the local ledger to store. For a full epoch set a value between 350 mio and 500 mio. For best performance set 50 (minimal value).
solana_accounts_db_caching Whether to enable accounts db caching
solana_accounts_shrink_path You may want to specify another location for the accounts shrinking process


You can specify Google Bigtable account credentials for querying blocks not present in local ledger.

Name Default value Description
solana_bigtable_enabled false Enable bigtable access
solana_bigtable_project_id Bigtable project id
solana_bigtable_private_key_id Bigtable private key id
solana_bigtable_private_key Bigtable private key
solana_bigtable_client_email Bigtable client email
solana_bigtable_client_id Bigtable client id
solana_bigtable_client_x509_cert_url Bigtable cert url

Handling forks

Occasionally devnet/testnet will experience forks. In these cases use the following parameters as instructed in Discord:

Name Default value Description
solana_hard_fork Hard fork
solana_wait_for_supermajority Whether node should wait for supermajority or not

CPU governor & Sysctl settings

There are certain configurations that you need to do to get your RPC node running properly. This role can help you make some of these standard config changes. However, full optmisation depends greatly on your hardware so you need to take time to be familiar with how to configure your hardware right.

However, the most important element of optimisation is the CPU performance governor. This controls boost behaviour and energy usage. On many hosts in DCs they are configured for balance between performance and energy usage. In the case of Solana we really need them to perform at their fastest. To set the servers CPU governor there are three options:

  1. You have access to BIOS and you set the BIOS cpu setting to max performance. This seems to work well for HPE systems. In this case, specify the variable cpu_governor: bios. This is sometimes required for AMD EPYC systems too.
  2. You have acccess to BIOS and you set the BIOS cpu setting to os control. This should be the typical default. In this case you can leave the cpu_governor variable as default or set it explicitly to cpu_governor: performance.
  3. You don't have access to BIOS or CPU governor settings. If possible, try to set cpu_governor: performance. Otherwise, hopefully your provider has configured it for good performance!

The second config you need to do is to edit various kernel parameters to fit the Solana RPC use case.

One option is to deploy solana-sys-tuner together with this config to autotune some variables for you.

A second option, especially if you are new to tuning performance is tuned and tune-adm from RedHat, where the throughput-performance profile is suitable.

Finally, if you deploy through this role you can also specify a list of sysctl values for this playbook to automatically set up on your host. This allows full control and sets them so that they are permanently configured. Here is a list of sysctl values that we have used on rpcpool:

  vm.max_map_count: 700000
  kernel.nmi_watchdog: 0
# Minimal preemption granularity for CPU-bound tasks:
# (default: 1 msec#  (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)
  kernel.sched_min_granularity_ns: '10000000'
# SCHED_OTHER wake-up granularity.
# (default: 1 msec#  (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)
  kernel.sched_wakeup_granularity_ns:  '15000000' 
  vm.swappiness: '30'
  kernel.hung_task_timeout_secs: 600
# this means that virtual memory statistics is gathered less often but is a reasonable trade off for lower latency
  vm.stat_interval: 10
  vm.dirty_ratio: 40
  vm.dirty_background_ratio: 10
  vm.dirty_expire_centisecs: 36000
  vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs: 3000
  vm.dirtytime_expire_seconds: 43200
  kernel.timer_migration: 0
# A suggested value for pid_max is 1024 * <# of cpu cores/threads in system>
  kernel.pid_max: 65536
  net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen: 3
# From solana systuner
# Reference:
  net.core.rmem_max: 134217728
  net.core.rmem_default: 134217728
  net.core.wmem_max: 134217728
  net.core.wmem_default: 134217728

Example Playbooks

Mainnet node:

    - hosts: rpc_nodes
      become: true
      become_method: sudo
         - { role: rpcpool.solana-rpc, solana_network: mainnet }

Testnet node:

    - hosts: rpc_nodes
      become: true
      become_method: sudo
         - { role: rpcpool.solana-rpc, solana_network: testnet }

Devnet node:

    - hosts: rpc_nodes
      become: true
      become_method: sudo
         - { role: rpcpool.solana-rpc, solana_network: devnet }

Running the RPC node

After the deploy you can login to the machine and run su -l solana to become the solana user.

To see the Solana validator command line generated for you during the deploy you can take a look at /home/solana/bin/ Remember that any changes to this file will be overwritten next time you run this Ansible.

For the first start up, you should comment out --no-genesis-fetch and --no-snapshot-fetch in the file /home/solana/bin/ This will allow solana to download the basic files it requires for first time start up. Remember to activate these lines again after you have started the validator for the first time.

Then start up the solana RPC process by running systemctl --user start solana-rpc. You can see status of the process by running systemctl --user status solana-rpc. The first start up will take some time. You can monitor start up by running solana catchup --our-localhost.

Finally, to see logs for your Solana RPC node run journalctl --user -u solana-rpc -f.

If this is your first time running a Solana node, you can find more details about how to operate the node on and

Other playbooks

Usually you will want to deploy a reverse proxy in front of the Solana RPC. HAproxy is a great option and we have a playbook for configuring HAproxy for a solana rpc server here.



Author Information

This role was originally developed by rpcpool. Patches, suggestions and improvements are always welcome.


Ansible config for Solana RPC







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