- A Docker installation on your machine.
- Visual Studio Code
- Basic knowledge of Node.js and Docker concepts.
This project meets the following requirements:
Database Design & Setup:
- A database with three tables: Users, Posts, and Comments. Users can have multiple posts, and each post can have multiple comments.
- Implement necessary indexing for anticipated query performance.
API Design & Implementation:
Endpoints to:
Create and retrieve users.
POST /users
GET /users
Create a post for a user and retrieve all posts of a user (/users/:id/posts).
POST /users/:id/posts
GET /users/:id/posts
Add a comment to a post (/posts/:postId/comments).
POST /posts/:postId/comments
Solves the Performance Challenge: Fetch the top 3 users with the most posts and, for each of those users, the latest comment they made. This should be achieved with efficient querying.
- Clone the repository
- Run:
cp .env.example .env # to create a .env file from the .env.example file
docker-compose up -d # to start the application and its dependencies
This project relies on End-to-end (E2E) tests, which can be run with:
npm install
npm run test:e2e
# docker-compose exec risevest npm run test:e2e (testing cannot be done in docker container successfully yet)
- To generate new routes after updating the controllers, run:
npm run route:generate
- To create a new migration file after updating the models (or not), run:
npm run migration:create --name=your-migration-name