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My personal website. This site houses info about me, my resume, and a blog.

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Repository files navigation - My Personal Site

This website houses information about me, my resume, and a blog. It was built with:

NextJS - The React framework. This allowed me to do the frontend and basic backend at the same time. I wanted to learn React and get a general refresh on JavaScript so this choice was perfect -- reading related posts and the docs detailing it’s various other capabilities sealed the deal. I based the rest of the stack off of this choice.

TailwindCSS - Makes all the frontend work so much more pleasant. I truly recommend this approach to CSS if you have never tried it. Conveniently it goes hand in hand with Next since the docs mention it and give a boilerplate app to get started.

Vercel - Hosting solution. This has to be the most seamless way to launch a Next app. They created Next framework so it makes sense that they have those needs covered. My other contender was AWS because I am already familiar and it’s economical to scale, but ultimately Vercel won due to it’s wonderfully easy deployment for this Next-based stack.

Figma - UI Mockup. Great for playing around with the structure and inspiring designs beforehand. I saved myself from many soul-sucking hours of fiddling with CSS by sticking to the mockup. You can also draw and export simple svg files from your mockup.

Read more information about building this site on my blog post.


My personal website. This site houses info about me, my resume, and a blog.




