Paver project template for architecture documentation based on the arc42 template (s. Inspired by arc42-gradle, arc42-maven and template-arc42.
This paver project template contains pre-filled markdown files to document software architecture based on the arc42 template. The markdown files can be transformed to a single-paged HTML site with markdown2. Eventually, this html is transformed to a PDF file by means of weasyprint.
This project allows you to take advantage of version control (e.g. git), the use of the easy, and beloved markdown notation and the use of the markdown editor you prefer. Also, continuous reporting should be possible by means of external build systems.
- Not ready for prime time, yet.
arc42 template has been adapted, slightly.######
6th heading is reserved as a little hack for page breaks.template is written inde
, translation should be no problem, though.- template is available at
- Mac OS X make sure homebrew is installed and setup.
- Mac OS X make sure XCode is up-to-date
xcode-select --install
- Mac OS X
brew install cairo pango gdk-pixbuf libxml2 libxslt libffi
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
paver docs
- markdown formatting stuff. (e.g. quotes/code in PDF, multiline table entries, ...). This needs to be sort out in progress, contribution is very welcome.
internal links toh1
elements have an offset of one page.
apply jinja on report.css (e.g. for head/footline).- style HTML generation.
- consider multipage HTML generation. Various pages provide a clearer browsing experience, when deployed.
- automatic TOC creation, or at least there should be a choice.
- V1? provide example.pdf.
- V1?+ plantuml integration, maybe?
- V1?+ nomnom integration, maybe?
- V1?+ umpel integration, maybe?
- V1?+ logo(s) on cover page. Everyone loves logos!
- V1?+ render git log as history.
- V1?+ better traceability, e.g. by means of jinja or link_patterns.