This is a modded version of HexFlow Launcher; a 3d coverflow like launcher for PS Vita.
With RetroFlow you can also integerate retro games without the need to create bubbles for Adrenaline, RetroArch, DaedalusX64 and Flycast.
Main features added since forking from HexFlow:
- No need to create bubbles for games
- Retro game categories added
- Favourite games category
- Recently played category
- Ability to search for games
- Ability to rename games
- Support for game backgrounds images
- Support for multiple music tracks
- Support for multiple wallapers
- Load from cache for faster startup
- File browser added for setting up game directories
- Fully translated
Supported systems: PS Vita, PSP, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, Game Boy, Sega Dreamcast, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Mega Drive / Genesis, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, PC Engine, PC Engine CD, TurboGrafx-16, TurboGrafx-CD, Commodore Amiga, Commodore 64, WonderSwan, WonderSwan Color, MSX, MSX2, ZX Spectrum, Atari Lynx, Atari 600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, ColecoVision, Vectrex, FBA 2012, MAME 2003 Plus, MAME 2000, Neo Geo (FBA 2012) and Neo Geo Pocket Color.
- Install the latest version of RetroFlow
- Also install the 'RetroFlow Adrenaline launcher' VPK from the latest version of RetroFlow.
- 'RetroFlow Launcher' is the app you will use to browse games. 'RetroFlow Adrenaline launcher' is needed for launching Playstation and PSP games.
- Adrenaline is required for Playstation and PSP games.
- DaedalusX64 is required for N64 games.
- RetroArch is required for other retro systems.
- Flycast is required to play Dreamcast games. Also see the compatability list as not all games are playable yet.
- Important: If Adrenaline games aren't launching after you have finished the setup, please install AdrBubbleBooterInstaller. Or try installing Adrenaline Bubble Manager.
- PS1 and PSP games with eboot files should be saved here:
- PSP ISO and CSO games should be saved here:
- uma0, ur0, imc0 and xmc0 partitions are also supported.
- The partition you use for Adrenaline will also need to be selected in the 'Scan settings' in RetroFlow.
- Tip: PS1 games can also be launched using RetroArch, helpful for games which don't run well in Adrenaline.
For best results it's recommended that your games are named using the no-intro file naming convention, e.g. "Game Name (USA)", these names are used to download matching cover images.
- Launch RetroFlow for the first time, RetroFlow will create the folders where you can save your games.
- Once it's finshed loading; close RetroFlow and copy or move your favourite retro games into the relevant game subfolders here:
- If you don't want to save your games in the RetroFlow data folder, you can use your own directories.
- Go to 'Scan settings' and then 'Edit game directories' to change the path to game folders.
- Once you are done, select 'Rescan' to find the games.
- PC Engine CD and TurboGrafx-CD: RetroFlow will look for '.cue' files for these CD systems. Please make sure all the games are loose with the system's rom folder with .cue files.
- Dreamcast: '.gdi' and '.cdi' games are supported.
- PS1 using RetroArch - They will use the 'PCSX ReARMed' core, more information on supported extensions here:
Note: If you're using an old version of RetroFlow (below v5) you will need to rename PSP and maybe PS1 games too, please see the guide here: Legacy guide - Renaming PSP and PS1.
- Press 'Start' and go to 'Scan Settings', select your Adrenaline location, and if you are using custom game folders, select those too, then select 'Rescan'.
- Your retro games should now appear when you restart the app.
- 'Startup scan' can be turned off once you have finished adding your games, the app will startup faster when it's turned off.
- To download cover images, press start, go to 'Artwork' then choose which covers or backgrounds you would like to download.
- From version 5 onwards you can also extract background images for PSP games from PSP iso files.
Navigate your library using the DPad or the Left Stick or with the Touch Screen.
DPad Up: Skip to favorites category
R/L triggers: Skip 5 items
Cross: Select/Launch game/app
Square: Change Category
Triangle: Game Details/Game options menu/About
Circle: Change View/Cancel
Start: Settings menu
Select: Search
DPad Down + Square: Go back one category
DPad Down + L/R triggers: Skip games alphabetically
- Custom covers can be saved in the game folders here:
- Custom game backgrounds can be saved in the game folders here:
- For Vita, PSP, PSX games and Homebrew the The cover image file name must match the Game ID or the Game Name of each app.
- For retro games the cover image name should match the Game Name i.e. "Game Name (USA).png".
- Cover and background images must be in png format.
- You can add as many wallpapers as you like by saving them here:
. - Images must be in .jpg or .png format, the recommended size is 960px x 544px.
- Some custom backgrounds are available HERE You can change your background within the app by going to the settings menu > theme > custom background.
- Songs can be added to
. - Music must be in .ogg format.
Repatch Potential issue with repatch / repatch_4 plugins in the tai config. May cause the Vita to shutdown. Try disabling these if you encounter an issue.
- Original HexFlow app by: VitaHex Games.
- Programming/UI: Sakis RG.
- Developed with Lua Player Plus by Rinnegatamante.
- Scanning PSP and PSX games made possible by using ONELua by Team ONElua.
- Aurora wallaper: Photo by Maria Vojtovicova.
- Creckeryop
- andiweli: HEXFlow Covers database
- DRok17: for his work on bubble builders.
- Rinnegatamante: for tips and support with Lua.
- Leecherman: for his work on AdrBubbleBooter and the PSP ISO Renamer
- BlackSheepBoy69: for sharing tips and code from HexFlow Launcher Unofficial Custom
- French - @chronoss
- German - @stuermerandreas
- Spanish - @kodyna91
- Italian - @TheheroGAC
- Russian - @_novff
- Portuguese - @nighto
- Japanese - @kuragehimekurara1 and @iGlitch
- Chinese - @acd13141
- Polish - @SK00RUPA
Help and FAQ's: For Help and answers to frequent questions please visit the FAQ's page.
Feature requests: Please note that I'm not a developer, this mod started as a personal project, please be mindful that there may be some redundant code, or some requests that will be beyond my knowledge to implement. Please feel free to build upon the mod as long as you provide credit to the original HexFlow developer and the people who contributed to the project.
Supporting developers: I don't accept dontations or payment for this project, however if you would like to support VitaHex; the developer of the original HexFlow app you can support their work by becoming a Patron.
You can also donate to them using PayPal. If you would like to follow them, you can find VitaHex on Twitter, or their website