- My daily driver's Snowfallπ¨οΈπ NixOSβοΈ desktop flake
My dotfiles are not perfekt, but they strive to be:
- fully declarative π
- highly structured π§±
- modular ποΈ
- a consistent look'n'feel β¨
- KISS (keep it stupid simple)π₯΄
This flake can and will radically change as I learn, discover new things and have new ideas.
- π₯ Multiple hosts
- π§ Standalone home
- βοΈποΈ Snowfall-lib structure
- βοΈ almost every module can be disabled
- βοΈπ² Snowfall-flake commands
- π¦ Declarative flatpaks
- π¦ Appimage support
Operating System π» | NixOS |
Window manager πͺ | Gnome with extensions, Hyprland with plugins |
Login manager π | gdm, greetd, tty |
Session locking π | hyprlock |
Terminal β¨οΈ | kitty |
Shell π | fish |
Prompt β‘οΈ | starship |
File manager π | nautilus, pcmanfm, yazi |
Editor βοΈ | VSCodium |
Web π | Firefox, Librewolf, Epiphany |
Theming π¨ | Stylix - modified catppuccin πΏ Mocha |
Networking π | networkmanager, connman |
Virtualization πͺ | virt-manager, bottles |
Install NixOS
Dotfiles preparation: mandatory changes to my dotfiles
git clone https://github.com/dafitt/dotfiles.git
Add a new system-configuration to
options can be found at templates/system/default.nix) -
Copy and import
! -
Set the correct
Add a new home-configuration to
options can be found at templates/home/default.nix) -
Commit all changes:
git add . && git commit -m "systems: added new host"
in flake.nix and enternix develop
on your first build for faster build time
System preparation
- Remove (or save) some files for the Home-manager so that the first build is not interrupted:
rm ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs ~/.config/mimeapps.list ~/.config/fish/config.fish ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
- Remove (or save) some files for the Home-manager so that the first build is not interrupted:
and thennix develop
sudo nixos-rebuild boot --flake .#<host>
Check for home-manager errors
systemctl status home-manager-<user>.service
and resolve them if necessary
- NOTE First install: may take some time; especially flatpaks
Personal imperative setup:
- Configure monitor setup with
- Syncthing setup
- firefox: Sync Login
- NoScript
- 1Password
- Sidebery
- pavucontrol: Set standard audio output
- vscode: codeium plugin
- Configure monitor setup with
Some basic flake commands
nix-shell shell.nix # only when on legacy-nix: enables flakes & git (works only locally)
nix develop github:dafitt/dotfiles#default
nix flake show github:dafitt/dotfiles
NixOS & Home-manager:
nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<host>
Home-manager standalone:
home-manager switch --flake .#<user>@<host>
nix flake update --commit-lock-file
# specific input
nix flake lock --update-input [input]
NixOS confituration: sudo nixos-rebuild switch --rollback
Home-manager standalone: Home-manager documentation
nix fmt [./folder] [./file.nix]
snowfallorg/flake provides some faster to type commands:
nix shell github:snowfallorg/flake
flake dev
flake test
flake switch
flake update
# Explore flake
flake show github:dafitt/dotfiles
flake option github:dafitt/dotfiles --pick
SUPER_CONTROL - System and Hyprland control
SUPER - Window control
SUPER_ALT - Applications
SHIFT - reverse, grab, move
Keybind | Dispatcher | Command |
SUPER_ALT G | exec | codium |
SUPER_ALT M | exec | thunderbird |
SUPER_ALT W | exec | firefox |
SUPER_ALT B | exec | pypr toggle bluetooth |
SUPER_CONTROL Q | exit | |
SUPER_CONTROL R | exec | hyprctl reload && forcerendererreload |
SUPER_CONTROL ADIAERESIS | exec | poweroff |
SUPER_CONTROL ODIAERESIS | exec | poweroff --reboot |
SUPER UDIAERESIS | exec | systemctl suspend |
SUPER DELETE | exec | hyprctl kill |
SUPER X | killactive | |
SUPER P | pseudo | |
SUPER S | togglesplit | |
SUPER H | swapnext | |
SUPER_SHIFT H | swapnext | prev |
SUPER F | fullscreen | |
SUPER A | fullscreen | 1 |
SUPER V | togglefloating | |
SUPER B | pin | |
SUPER left | movefocus | l |
SUPER right | movefocus | r |
SUPER up | movefocus | u |
SUPER down | movefocus | d |
SUPER Tab | cyclenext | |
SUPER_SHIFT left | movewindow | l |
SUPER_SHIFT right | movewindow | r |
SUPER_SHIFT up | movewindow | u |
SUPER_SHIFT down | movewindow | d |
SUPER_SHIFT Tab | swapnext | |
SUPER_ALT left | resizeactive | -100 0 |
SUPER_ALT right | resizeactive | 100 0 |
SUPER_ALT up | resizeactive | 0 -100 |
SUPER_ALT down | resizeactive | 0 100 |
SUPER 1 | workspace | 1 |
SUPER 2 | workspace | 2 |
SUPER 3 | workspace | 3 |
SUPER 4 | workspace | 4 |
SUPER 5 | workspace | 5 |
SUPER 6 | workspace | 6 |
SUPER 7 | workspace | 7 |
SUPER 8 | workspace | 8 |
SUPER 9 | workspace | 9 |
SUPER 0 | workspace | 10 |
SUPER D | workspace | name:D |
SUPER code:87 | workspace | 1 |
SUPER code:88 | workspace | 2 |
SUPER code:89 | workspace | 3 |
SUPER code:83 | workspace | 4 |
SUPER code:84 | workspace | 5 |
SUPER code:85 | workspace | 6 |
SUPER code:79 | workspace | 7 |
SUPER code:80 | workspace | 8 |
SUPER code:81 | workspace | 9 |
SUPER code:91 | workspace | 10 |
SUPER code:86 | workspace | +1 |
SUPER code:82 | workspace | -1 |
SUPER backspace | workspace | previous |
SUPER mouse_down | workspace | -1 |
SUPER mouse_up | workspace | +1 |
SUPER_SHIFT 1 | movetoworkspacesilent | 1 |
SUPER_SHIFT 2 | movetoworkspacesilent | 2 |
SUPER_SHIFT 3 | movetoworkspacesilent | 3 |
SUPER_SHIFT 4 | movetoworkspacesilent | 4 |
SUPER_SHIFT 5 | movetoworkspacesilent | 5 |
SUPER_SHIFT 6 | movetoworkspacesilent | 6 |
SUPER_SHIFT 7 | movetoworkspacesilent | 7 |
SUPER_SHIFT 8 | movetoworkspacesilent | 8 |
SUPER_SHIFT 9 | movetoworkspacesilent | 9 |
SUPER_SHIFT 0 | movetoworkspacesilent | 10 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:87 | movetoworkspacesilent | 1 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:88 | movetoworkspacesilent | 2 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:89 | movetoworkspacesilent | 3 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:83 | movetoworkspacesilent | 4 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:84 | movetoworkspacesilent | 5 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:85 | movetoworkspacesilent | 6 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:79 | movetoworkspacesilent | 7 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:80 | movetoworkspacesilent | 8 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:81 | movetoworkspacesilent | 9 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:91 | movetoworkspacesilent | 10 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:86 | movetoworkspacesilent | +1 |
SUPER_SHIFT code:82 | movetoworkspacesilent | -1 |
SUPER_CTRL left | movecurrentworkspacetomonitor | l |
SUPER_CTRL right | movecurrentworkspacetomonitor | r |
SUPER_CTRL up | movecurrentworkspacetomonitor | u |
SUPER_CTRL down | movecurrentworkspacetomonitor | d |
exec | grimblast copysave output /home/david/Pictures/$(date +'%F-%T_%N.png') | |
SUPER PRINT | exec | grimblast --notify --freeze copysave area /home/david/Pictures/$(date +'%F-%T_%N.png') |
ALT PRINT | exec | satty --filename - --fullscreen --output-filename /home/david/Pictures/$(date +'%F-%T_%N.png') |
SUPER_ALT PRINT | exec | satty --filename - --output-filename /home/david/Pictures/$(date +'%F-%T_%N.png') |
SUPER_ALT U | exec | gnome-characters |
SUPER_ALT K | exec | wl-copy |
XF86Calculator | exec | gnome-calculator |
SUPER_ALT V | exec | wl-copy' |
SUPER L | exec | hyprlock |
SUPER_ALT A | exec | pypr toggle pavucontrol |
XF86AudioPlay | exec | playerctl play-pause |
XF86AudioPause | exec | playerctl play-pause |
XF86AudioStop | exec | playerctl stop |
XF86AudioNext | exec | playerctl next |
XF86AudioPrev | exec | playerctl previous |
CTRL XF86AudioRaiseVolume | exec | playerctl position 1+ |
CTRL XF86AudioLowerVolume | exec | playerctl position 1- |
ALT XF86AudioNext | exec | playerctld shift |
ALT XF86AudioPrev | exec | playerctld unshift |
ALT XF86AudioPlay | exec | systemctl --user restart playerctld |
SUPER O | invertactivewindow | |
SUPER acute | hyprexpo:expo | toggle |
SUPER E | exec | pypr expose |
SUPER Z | exec | pypr zoom |
SUPER minus | exec | pypr zoom --0.5 |
SUPER plus | exec | pypr zoom ++0.5 |
SUPER_ALT mouse_down | exec | pypr zoom ++0.5 |
SUPER_ALT mouse_up | exec | pypr zoom --0.5 |
SUPER_ALT mouse:274 | exec | pypr zoom |
SUPER ODIAERESIS | exec | pypr toggle_dpms |
SUPER Y | exec | pypr toggle_special minimized |
SUPER_SHIFT Y | togglespecialworkspace | minimized |
XF86AudioMute | exec | swayosd-client --output-volume mute-toggle |
ALT XF86AudioMute | exec | swayosd-client --input-volume mute-toggle |
XF86AudioMicMute | exec | swayosd-client --input-volume mute-toggle |
Caps_Lock | exec | swayosd-client --caps-lock |
SUPER W | exec | killall -SIGUSR1 .waybar-wrapped |
SUPER_ALT PERIOD | exec | 1password |
SUPER_ALT P | exec | pypr toggle btop |
SUPER_ALT E | exec | micro |
SUPER_ALT F | exec | nautilus |
SUPER SPACE | exec | fuzzel |
SUPER_ALT Z | exec | xdg-open https://localhost:8384 |
SUPER RETURN | exec | kitty |
SUPER_ALT T | exec | pypr toggle kitty |
SUPER_ALT N | exec | pypr toggle networkmanager |
XF86KbdBrightnessUp | exec | light -s sysfs/leds/kbd_backlight -A 10 |
XF86KbdBrightnessDown | exec | light -s sysfs/leds/kbd_backlight -U 10 |
XF86AudioRaiseVolume | execr | swayosd-client --output-volume raise |
XF86AudioLowerVolume | execr | swayosd-client --output-volume lower |
ALT XF86AudioRaiseVolume | exec | swayosd-client --input-volume raise |
ALT XF86AudioLowerVolume | exec | swayosd-client --input-volume lower |
XF86MonBrightnessUp | exec | swayosd-client --brightness raise |
XF86MonBrightnessDown | exec | swayosd-client --brightness lower |
SUPER mouse:272 | movewindow | |
SUPER mouse:273 | resizewindow |
To use nixpkgs stable branch, update the following inputs to the latest release (23.11
as an example) in flake.nix and rebuild the system.
ATTENTION! When the last release of nixpkgs is some time away, then you will likely need to refactor some changed options. So directly after a new release should be the best time to switch.
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
unstable.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
home-manager = { url = "github:nix-community/home-manager/release-23.11"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; };
stylix.url = "github:danth/stylix/release-23.11";
To still let specific packages follow nixpkgs unstable while on the stable branch you can add a overlays/unstable/default.nix
{ channels, ... }:
final: prev:
with channels.unstable; {
# packages to get from inputs.unstable
I use snowfall-lib, so every default.nix
is automatically imported.
My systems and homes are assembled using custom modules. Any custom module has at least one enable option which name matches the folder: config.dafitt.<myModule>.enable
. Keep in mind some modules are enabled by default some are not. Special modules:
- Desktops
- desktops/gnome
- desktops/hyprland
- Suites (disabled by default)
- Development
- Editing
- Gaming
- Music
- Office
- Ricing
- Social
- Virtualization
- Web
- Firmly integrated, non-disableable
- stylix (because of extensive usage of
- stylix (because of extensive usage of
Modules in modules/nixos/ are built with the standard nixos-rebuild
command; modules/home/ with home-manager
(standalone) or in addition to nixos-rebuild
if the homes-hostname "<user>[@<host>]" matches with the host your building on (this is done by snowfall-lib with the systemd-service home-manager-<user>.service
Some modules/home/ are automatically activated, if the sister module in modules/nixos/ is enabled. E.g. options.dafitt.Gaming.enableSuite = mkBoolOpt (osConfig.dafitt.Gaming.enableSuite or false) "...
. The special attribute set osConfig
is only present when building with nixos-rebuild
To keep things simple I put hardware/system dependent configurations directly into systems/ themselves.
What you have to customize:
- modules/nixos/time/default.nix: timezone
- modules/nixos/locale/default.nix: locale
- modules/nixos/users/main/default.nix: username
- modules/home/Office/thunderbird/default.nix
- modules/home/Web/firefox/default.nix:
- the default searx search engine is my own local instance/server, use a official one or setup your own
- custom firefox plugins
- systems/<architecure>/<host>/default.nix: obviously your own host-configuration
- maybe some host-specific
: make sure to import it:imports = [ ./configuration.nix ];
- homes/<architecure>/<user>[@<host>]/default.nix: obviously your own home-configuration
- modules/nixos/security/certificateFiles/default.nix: change list of root ssl certificate agent files or disable this module
- modules/home/desktops/hyprland/default.nix: familiar keybindings
- modules/home/stylix/default.nix: custom base16 theme / icon theme
- Packages and programs you need
Some options in modules/home/ or homes/ are not being applied with nixos-rebuild
Check if your option is being set through osCfg
. Like this:
enable = mkBoolOpt (osCfg.enable or config.dafitt.Gaming.enableSuite) "Enable steam.";
If that is the case and osCfg.enable
is not null
then the osCfg
-option will be preferred. Even if it is false
To solve this set your option to true
in modules/nixos/ or systems/.