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Prefix / prepend a string to CLI command output


Sometimes in long-running output of a CLI command I want to prefix every line with a string.
For example, timestamps on lines of a system update, timestamps on lines of a deploy, or the name of the current task being run in a list of tasks.

There is not an existing simple tool or one-liner I could find to do this already.
The sed/awk/perl/ruby one-liners like | sed "s/^/$PREFIX /" break down on progress bars made with carriage return.

prefixcli partially solves the progress bar problem because it properly handles \r.

The source has ugly comments while I figure nim stuff out.


  prefixcli [--eval] [--sep=SEP] [<prefix>]
  prefixcli [options]

  <prefix>    The string to prefix each terminal line with. (default: ">")

  --sep=SEP   The separator to use after the prefix. (default: " ")
  --eval      Evaluate the prefix as a shell command
  -h --help   Show this screen
  --version   Show version

Caveats / TODO

  • Some progress bars get disabled because there is no pty.
    Make a pty to handle those. (posix_openpt)
    Workaround: Use unbuffer (part of the expect package) like in the example below
  • Lines on stderr are ignored (not prefixed) by default.
    Workaround: If you want to prefix every line, redirect stderr to stdout with 2>&1 like in the example below

Example output

Prepend date

# unbuffer pacman -Syy | prefixcli --eval 'date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
2017-09-13T02:32:18+0000 :: Synchronizing package databases...
2017-09-13T02:32:18+0000  core                     124.4 KiB  2.43M/s 00:00 [#####] 100%
2017-09-13T02:32:19+0000  extra                   1650.1 KiB  4.88M/s 00:00 [#####] 100%
2017-09-13T02:32:20+0000  community                  4.0 MiB  6.88M/s 00:01 [#####] 100%

Prepend context

$ ls
bar/  baz/  foo/
$ for dir in *; do pushd -q $dir; curl -# 2>&1 | tee uuid | prefixcli $dir; popd -q; done
bar ######################################################################## 100.0%
bar {
bar   "uuid": "040c53d6-5076-45d1-95aa-419e3bb84a7f"
bar }
baz ######################################################################## 100.0%
baz {
baz   "uuid": "72d64574-21e8-4b98-81b8-86c4e67b6026"
baz }
foo ######################################################################## 100.0%
foo {
foo   "uuid": "9a88e474-bb35-4fe3-b0ab-5c430bebfc15"
foo }

Prepend progress

$ youtube-dl -i "$channel_url" | \
    tee >(grep --line-buffered -P 'Downloading video \d+ of \d+' > /tmp/.ytdl-count) | \
    prefixcli --eval "tail -1 /tmp/.ytdl-count | grep -o '[0-9]* of [0-9]*'"
17721 of 368299 [download] Downloading video 17721 of 368299
17721 of 368299 [youtube] U1JODhvLuzw: Extracting video information
17721 of 368299 [youtube] U1JODhvLuzw: Writing thumbnail to: Colour festival in Indian temple town-U1JODhvLuzw.jpg
17721 of 368299 [download] Destination: Colour festival in Indian temple town-U1JODhvLuzw.f134.mp4
17721 of 368299 [download] 100% of 11.65MiB in 00:05
17721 of 368299 [download] Destination: Colour festival in Indian temple town-U1JODhvLuzw.f140.m4a
17721 of 368299 [download] 100% of 2.43MiB in 00:00
17721 of 368299 [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Colour festival in Indian temple town-U1JODhvLuzw.mp4"
17721 of 368299 [ffmpeg] Adding metadata to 'Colour festival in Indian temple town-U1JODhvLuzw.mp4'
17722 of 368299 [download] Downloading video 17722 of 368299
17722 of 368299 [youtube] d4XnCNbVWgI: Extracting video information
17722 of 368299 [youtube] d4XnCNbVWgI: Writing thumbnail to: Stolen Stradivarius Returns to Stage-d4XnCNbVWgI.jpg
17722 of 368299 [download] Destination: Stolen Stradivarius Returns to Stage-d4XnCNbVWgI.f134.mp4
17722 of 368299 [download] 100% of 4.28MiB in 00:00
17722 of 368299 [download] Destination: Stolen Stradivarius Returns to Stage-d4XnCNbVWgI.f251.webm
17722 of 368299 [download] 100% of 1.85MiB in 00:00
17722 of 368299 [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Stolen Stradivarius Returns to Stage-d4XnCNbVWgI.mkv"
17722 of 368299 [ffmpeg] Adding metadata to 'Stolen Stradivarius Returns to Stage-d4XnCNbVWgI.mkv'
17723 of 368299 [download] Downloading video 17723 of 368299


$ timeout 5 yes | pv -a >/dev/null
$ timeout 5 yes | ./bin/prefixcli | pv -a >/dev/null

Compiling / building

  • Regular compilation:
    • nimble build
  • A Dockerfile is provided for easy repeatable statically linked Linux builds:
    • nimble docker
    • docker build -t prefixcli .
      docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app prefixcli
      ls -l ./bin/prefixcli


Manual testing for now:

./scripts/ | ./bin/prefixcli
./scripts/ | ./bin/prefixcli 'hello world'
./scripts/ | ./bin/prefixcli --sep=''
./scripts/ | ./bin/prefixcli --sep=' : '
./scripts/ | ./bin/prefixcli --eval 'HI=hi; echo $HI'
./scripts/ | pv --rate-limit=3 --quiet | ./bin/prefixcli


  • | sed "s/^/$PREFIX /"
  • | awk -v prefix="$PREFIX" '{ print prefix $0 }'
  • | ruby -e 'prefix="PREFIX ";print prefix; while (s=gets(4)); print s.gsub(/[\r\n]/,"\\0#{prefix}"); end'
    • gets() interferes with being able to pass the prefix in as an argument


Prepend CLI output lines with a string







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