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Decrypt9WIP all-in-one 20160401 (the real one)

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@d0k3 d0k3 released this 01 Apr 21:24
· 301 commits to master since this release

Here's the release you've been wating for (and, without a cruel prank included, this time). This is new (compared to the last non-prank release):

  • Compatibility with downgraded (FW 2.1) N3DS NANDs
  • Complete compatibility with minimum size RedNANDs as created by newest EmuNAND9
  • New NAND dump option: 'min size' to dump only actually used NAND size
  • New NAND restore options: 'keep A9LH' to preserve arm9loaderhax / 'forced' to skip safety checks
  • New NAND Validator, to check the integrity of NAND dumps
  • Added ability to decrypt / encrypt BOSS files
  • Improved and extended Selftest (renew your reference data!)
  • New 'System Info' feature to display information about your console
  • New key file handling - you can now build a single consolidated aeskeydb.bin file from your slot0x??key?.bin files and use this instead
  • Decryptor / Encryptor feature for aeskeydb.bin included
  • Improved handling of SD / NAND input / output errors
  • You can now display a logo on the bottom screen - just put d9logo.bin into your SD root or into /Decrypt9
  • Updated and improved readme file, including descriptions of all the new stuff.
  • Tons of smaller improvements and bugfixes, mainly thanks to testers

Special thanks for this release go to everyone who has helped testing this and greatly helped improve stability, especially Al3x_10m / stbinan for their patience in countless rounds of tests (both of you have been of great help!) and ihaveamac / Doopl for helping in the last round of tests.

Also, sorry everyone for yesterdays (depending on your timezone) cruel prank - I hope this has not traumatized you too much, but if it has, here's a puppy: 🐶.

Note that this also contains an updated readme file!