Diffpool implementation for the Graph Deep Learning for Medical Applications seminar in the summer semester of 2022 at the Technical University of Munich.
Links to the original paper:
- ArXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08804
- Code Repository: https://github.com/RexYing/diffpool
Official Pytorch Geometric (PyG) example: https://github.com/pyg-team/pytorch_geometric/blob/master/examples/proteins_diff_pool.py
Official Deep Graph Library (DGL) example: https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/tree/master/examples/pytorch/diffpool
- PyTorch 1.11+
- PyTorch-Geometric 2.0+
- Deep Graph Library 0.8+
Make sure you have Python 3.9 and Poetry installed on your system. The code is only tested on Linux (Fedora) and Windows 11.
To install all dependencies, run:
poetry install